i have lately been leaving rather long replys to other people's journal entries which leads me to believe that i should create one of my own. of course now i am at a loss for words. i believe i shall record a short story for all. it is a true story. and it happened to me very recently.
as some of you may know i am employed at a borders superstore in modesto, ca. i am part of the inventory processing team, (ipt). our job is to recieve new product, special orders, return old product and basically make sure the store is stocked and in order. our product comes in on pallets. there are about one hundred boxes of books and other merchandise on each pallet. one of my main jobs was to grab a box off of a pallet, bring it to the sorting table, open it, dump it out and sort it. a girl helped be with the sorting part, (not so much the lifting and dumping though). her name is mary. she is a lesbian. mary and i became friends as people tend to do when they spend fourty hours a week together. our friendship developed and we started hanging out a bit after work. we would smoke weed and hit happy hour at a local tavern. after one of these happy hour sojourns mary hits me whith her developing feelings. she told me that she never liked men before me. according to her all men are just dildos with an asshole attached, except me. she said that having met me, she thought that she might be able to try a straight relationship which would make things easier for her because her parents didn't know she was a lesbian. then she told me that she was in love with me and went for a kiss. i allowed the kiss, but probably shouldn't have because i have a girlfriend. so did mary. this brought much turmoil to my world because i obviousl had feelings for mary as well. not quite as deep, but they were there nontheless. being an honest boy, i felt i had to tell my girlfriend about what went on. this led to a very long, tearfull discusion which brought me to the conclusion that i was feeling stagnant with nicole, (my girlfriend), but was otherwise happy. one tends to get bored after a year. it is only natural. when i told mary about the discussion i had with nicole it broke her heart. i tried to quit my job to make things easier. the managers at borders didn't want me to quit though and felt i was too valuable an asset to just let go. i told them what was going on and they adjusted their schedual to allow me to work whenever mary was off. i don't throw boxes anymore and i don't sort product. i am now the only member of ipt who comes in at three pm and gets off at elevan. (normal ipt hours are six am to three pm). is there a moral to this story? the one i got was never get to close to your co workers. you might have gotten another if you actually read this. if so let me know. if not ... whatever.
as some of you may know i am employed at a borders superstore in modesto, ca. i am part of the inventory processing team, (ipt). our job is to recieve new product, special orders, return old product and basically make sure the store is stocked and in order. our product comes in on pallets. there are about one hundred boxes of books and other merchandise on each pallet. one of my main jobs was to grab a box off of a pallet, bring it to the sorting table, open it, dump it out and sort it. a girl helped be with the sorting part, (not so much the lifting and dumping though). her name is mary. she is a lesbian. mary and i became friends as people tend to do when they spend fourty hours a week together. our friendship developed and we started hanging out a bit after work. we would smoke weed and hit happy hour at a local tavern. after one of these happy hour sojourns mary hits me whith her developing feelings. she told me that she never liked men before me. according to her all men are just dildos with an asshole attached, except me. she said that having met me, she thought that she might be able to try a straight relationship which would make things easier for her because her parents didn't know she was a lesbian. then she told me that she was in love with me and went for a kiss. i allowed the kiss, but probably shouldn't have because i have a girlfriend. so did mary. this brought much turmoil to my world because i obviousl had feelings for mary as well. not quite as deep, but they were there nontheless. being an honest boy, i felt i had to tell my girlfriend about what went on. this led to a very long, tearfull discusion which brought me to the conclusion that i was feeling stagnant with nicole, (my girlfriend), but was otherwise happy. one tends to get bored after a year. it is only natural. when i told mary about the discussion i had with nicole it broke her heart. i tried to quit my job to make things easier. the managers at borders didn't want me to quit though and felt i was too valuable an asset to just let go. i told them what was going on and they adjusted their schedual to allow me to work whenever mary was off. i don't throw boxes anymore and i don't sort product. i am now the only member of ipt who comes in at three pm and gets off at elevan. (normal ipt hours are six am to three pm). is there a moral to this story? the one i got was never get to close to your co workers. you might have gotten another if you actually read this. if so let me know. if not ... whatever.
I really admire that you were honest with your girlfriend - not enough people value honesty.
You're right about getting close to co-workers - Being in such a close environment wtih someone who you spend time with in your out-of-work hours too can be really trying. I had a boyfriend that I worked wtih, it caused problems for us at work while we were going out, and then after we broke up it was just awkward and embarressing everytime we ran into one another.
Good luck! i'm sure it will all work out