{Part Four}
"After you, Mister Skidd," said Blather, waving his sausage fingers with perverse delicacy in front of his grotesquely bulging waistcoat. "After you!"
Skidd hesitated in the doorway. He retched when another puff of the foul air assailed his nostrils. Behind him he could hear Blather's breath whistling through his fleshy nostrils. The lightbulb continued to swirl in crazy arcs above the moist and...
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"After you, Mister Skidd," said Blather, waving his sausage fingers with perverse delicacy in front of his grotesquely bulging waistcoat. "After you!"
Skidd hesitated in the doorway. He retched when another puff of the foul air assailed his nostrils. Behind him he could hear Blather's breath whistling through his fleshy nostrils. The lightbulb continued to swirl in crazy arcs above the moist and...
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{Part Three}
Had he done anything to draw the attention of the management? He knew that it could prove fatal.
Skidd drew alongside a panting, and still masticating, Mister Blather. Blather raised a chubby eyebrow. "So you could join us at last, could you Mister Skidd?" It took the greatest of self-control for Skidd not to wrinkle his nose at the uncouth owner. Cake still...
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Had he done anything to draw the attention of the management? He knew that it could prove fatal.
Skidd drew alongside a panting, and still masticating, Mister Blather. Blather raised a chubby eyebrow. "So you could join us at last, could you Mister Skidd?" It took the greatest of self-control for Skidd not to wrinkle his nose at the uncouth owner. Cake still...
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a cane?
that is so .. i lack words to describe how cool i think it is..
that is so .. i lack words to describe how cool i think it is..
i SO commented on this one before...
but i guess the dust ate it.
i wanted to tell you that i really really like the idea of you having these things.
of course my first comment was better, but it somehow got deleted
but i guess the dust ate it.
i wanted to tell you that i really really like the idea of you having these things.
of course my first comment was better, but it somehow got deleted
how uncomfortable it must have been to be stuck in those tight corsets, your hair caught in a tight bun.
i am a bit more free minded and clothed
i am a bit more free minded and clothed

{Part Two}
"Follow me, Skidd," Blather mumbled, still chewing, raining cake from the corners of his mouth, "follow me, man!"
Skidd could barely keep up with the departing Blather, who, despite his tremendous size, could move at quite a clip. It took a second for Skidd's brain to engage his feet and set the creaking machinery of his narrow frame in motion. Blather's sonorous voice...
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"Follow me, Skidd," Blather mumbled, still chewing, raining cake from the corners of his mouth, "follow me, man!"
Skidd could barely keep up with the departing Blather, who, despite his tremendous size, could move at quite a clip. It took a second for Skidd's brain to engage his feet and set the creaking machinery of his narrow frame in motion. Blather's sonorous voice...
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for what - or why?
what for what? or why for why? the market day is its own reason purpose and meaning and i pity the tourist who doesn't follow the ancient and sacred traditions and stay well behind locked doors until after sunset!
this is beautiful
{Part One}
Cyril Skidd slipped through the door, late as always on a Monday morning, hoping that nobody had reconnoitered his desk and noted his absence. He slunk along the corridor, walking on the sides of his feet, wishing himself invisible. He heard the clatter and thwack of the typing pool, audible even from behind closed doors, as the ladies set-to with the morning's work....
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Cyril Skidd slipped through the door, late as always on a Monday morning, hoping that nobody had reconnoitered his desk and noted his absence. He slunk along the corridor, walking on the sides of his feet, wishing himself invisible. He heard the clatter and thwack of the typing pool, audible even from behind closed doors, as the ladies set-to with the morning's work....
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Enjoying it so far. 

Monday morning: new week, new students. Oy, here goes...
It's Sunday night, which means that Monday morning is getting so close I can almost smell it. There's only a small fence of sleep between us. I can hear its footsteps galloping across the frozen field through the mist. It's almost time for bed, but there are a couple of last things to prepare to stave off the worst when the sun rises again. Here...
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hi baby! 
in my Chile country, this beginning the heat and has been unbearable now agradeceria a day cold since for much lack
I hope that this good

in my Chile country, this beginning the heat and has been unbearable now agradeceria a day cold since for much lack
I hope that this good

I have to say that I am extremely impressed with how you lost your virginity...T.S. Elliot style...very nice. He's one of my favorite poets!
The subject-line tells me I am Mortmain. So Mortmain I shall be. I am also a foreigner in a strange and, at times, inexplicable, country. I am happy about this. I am also interested in broadening my horizons - in all directions. I am optimistic about this. I am proceeding apace with my plans! I am looking through my archives for a better profile picture....
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the picture is nice...
even though it was a lot more scary when you are actually standing in the middle of it with either side of the Alster about a quater mile away.
and when you look down there are these big cracks in the ice where sheets of ice drifted apart and the water in between froze over...