Back in 2013 when I went to the Blackheart show here in good old Maine the meet/greet with the ladies included diner with them. Was wondering why that's not done any more? While I was shy as hell (I was the only one to do it.) it was still fun to sit there and eat with them listening to them talk. Would be awesome if they did that again! Maybe even add it as another ticket you can buy? Have lunch with them before the show? Even limit how many can do it.
@missy @rambo @blackheartburlesque @sunshine
Hahaha I remember when we used to do the dinners. I gotta vote no to that coming back 😂 People would always try to buy us tons of shots and get us drunk before the show and then we'd be all full (we eat brunch and after the show and usually just snack beforehand now).
@sunshine :P But would be nice to even do brunch with you ladies! That's why I say limit how many people even to like 4 people. And say no buying ladies drinks. You can make some rules. Don't need them getting hurt!