well it's been absolutely fucking forever since I posted on here, in fact - it's been so long that I don't even remember if I've EVER posted on here before, you know?
Oh well, much has happened within my life - but the major thing is a diagnoses of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by my Psychiatrist.
Most of the PTSD is probably related to the fact that I was sexually abused almost every night for five years by my father when i was five years old. That will do that to a person, I think.
You know, when I think about it sometimes - it seems weird to me that I'm even here on this earth - I should have been dead a long time ago , and sometimes I even wish that I had died, you know? Things get rough at times, and I'm learning to bare and grin them, but it's a little hard to forget and forgive when you have PTSD, after all, the nature of the illness is that you can NOT forget a particular traumatizing event.
I recently spoke to my Mother. It appears that she has Cancer - again. This time, she is certain that it's going to kill her, and I am hoping it does. This is coming from the cunt of a woman who stood by and KNEW what my father did to me all those years ago, but said nothing - did nothing!
My brother is getting married on New Years Eve, and my partner Elizabeth and I are traveling to Christchurch to go to the wedding. Should be a good day if my brother doesn't make a fool of himself, as he almost always usually does.
Well, there aint' much more to tell really, but I don't think anybody really reads this shit anyhow, so who gives a flying rats cock what I say, how short it is, how much sense it makes ?
well it's been absolutely fucking forever since I posted on here, in fact - it's been so long that I don't even remember if I've EVER posted on here before, you know?
Oh well, much has happened within my life - but the major thing is a diagnoses of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by my Psychiatrist.
Most of the PTSD is probably related to the fact that I was sexually abused almost every night for five years by my father when i was five years old. That will do that to a person, I think.
You know, when I think about it sometimes - it seems weird to me that I'm even here on this earth - I should have been dead a long time ago , and sometimes I even wish that I had died, you know? Things get rough at times, and I'm learning to bare and grin them, but it's a little hard to forget and forgive when you have PTSD, after all, the nature of the illness is that you can NOT forget a particular traumatizing event.
I recently spoke to my Mother. It appears that she has Cancer - again. This time, she is certain that it's going to kill her, and I am hoping it does. This is coming from the cunt of a woman who stood by and KNEW what my father did to me all those years ago, but said nothing - did nothing!
My brother is getting married on New Years Eve, and my partner Elizabeth and I are traveling to Christchurch to go to the wedding. Should be a good day if my brother doesn't make a fool of himself, as he almost always usually does.
Well, there aint' much more to tell really, but I don't think anybody really reads this shit anyhow, so who gives a flying rats cock what I say, how short it is, how much sense it makes ?