irony is a funny thing, it hurts you it breaks you, and very often it opens your eyes to all you could not see... and sometimes, just sometimes it makes you really really happy and satisfied, i'm not exactly sure what i'm on about, i just know that after everything thats happened the out come is positive, and if i could apologise to people who have been hurt when that was never my intention i would, but i also would say a big thank you for all the good thats now happened and at last i'm at peace.
really sorry for lack of journal messages having no internet has kinda aided to that
but be sure to get messages from me soon (altho the amount of sense they will make is not guaranteed)
really sorry for lack of journal messages having no internet has kinda aided to that

but be sure to get messages from me soon (altho the amount of sense they will make is not guaranteed)

Anyway... enough of that... I'll have my set up pretty soon my dear as I'm getting a new computer, and I'll make sure you're the first to know as I feel I owe it to you for your AMAZING set.