hmmm well i'm on the net again, despite my thoughts that i wouldn't be for a while.
i kinda have a new fella, he was someone that i was seeing briefly from back home in wales and we have now been enagaging in lovely sexual acts together.... my only question is why does this happen now i've moved to stoke? oh the irony of me wanting him for so long and while i was there i couldn't. grrrrrr
it's kinda draining to be honest missing someone so far away and it's even more heart braking than it is draining.
i had sooo much fun at home last week, i started talking to people i was in college with but they had to ask me my name coz they didn't reconise me ! lol i suppose dreads can do that, i had several guys comingon 2 me to, then when i told them who i was they where all "wow omg you look amazing" my only reply was "yes but you'r still superficial"
thats one reason why i like my new blokey he liked me before, i mean don't get me wrong i'm no sexy ass moma now but i have died my hair, don't always wear glasses, put on make up and dress a hell of alot better, not to mention my figures inproved and i'm more confident, so i do look a hell of alot different but i'm still me inside the same old lil me who was there before but no one bothered to notice, well i bet they're all sorry now at least i hope they are, i don't need self gratifaction that often but some people are so superfical, the guys i liked back then i still think are hot now, but unlike them i look at the whole person the words in the passages, not just the stupid god damn wrapping that only gets screwed up and thrown away anyway
i kinda have a new fella, he was someone that i was seeing briefly from back home in wales and we have now been enagaging in lovely sexual acts together.... my only question is why does this happen now i've moved to stoke? oh the irony of me wanting him for so long and while i was there i couldn't. grrrrrr
it's kinda draining to be honest missing someone so far away and it's even more heart braking than it is draining.
i had sooo much fun at home last week, i started talking to people i was in college with but they had to ask me my name coz they didn't reconise me ! lol i suppose dreads can do that, i had several guys comingon 2 me to, then when i told them who i was they where all "wow omg you look amazing" my only reply was "yes but you'r still superficial"
thats one reason why i like my new blokey he liked me before, i mean don't get me wrong i'm no sexy ass moma now but i have died my hair, don't always wear glasses, put on make up and dress a hell of alot better, not to mention my figures inproved and i'm more confident, so i do look a hell of alot different but i'm still me inside the same old lil me who was there before but no one bothered to notice, well i bet they're all sorry now at least i hope they are, i don't need self gratifaction that often but some people are so superfical, the guys i liked back then i still think are hot now, but unlike them i look at the whole person the words in the passages, not just the stupid god damn wrapping that only gets screwed up and thrown away anyway

I'm so planning on coming out to the rigger wen i get back off my hol-i brought a brand spanking new corset for the occassion-
ain't i boo'tiful?
now all i need are some boots, a top, a skirt...(ect>>>
c u soon