YAY! i have friends!!! hehehe hi to all it nearly 1 am and i am no hwere close to finishing off my work, normally this is a time to panic but i am soooooo use to my laziness am actually ahead on my previous attempts....not too sure thats a good thing tho! i have a new phone and number, but i still have my old one so don't worry about contacting me (not that anyone does )
you have no idea how xcited i get when my phone goes.... suppose it's all quite sad really.
any way, what to say? should i write something of supreme importance that can only be said in a room full of silence, where everyone is suffocating themselves with an anticipation that will never leave them? not even after the news braeks and turns the see of anguish into an erupting volcanoe?.... or shall i just talk my usual bollocks?
bollocks it is then, i'm sooo overdrawn on my overdraft, and i hate to say it but it is all my fault, the more short of money i get the more i feel the need to rebel by shopping and thus leaving me with even less money for the whole cycle to begin again, but on the plus side i have some nice new bleeding edge goth dolls
job interview on thursday (this is my current excuse for shopping) burtons menswear want to offer me a supervisor posistion at there Hanley store are they MAD?!?!?!?!? MWWWWWWHAHAHAHA
any way, what to say? should i write something of supreme importance that can only be said in a room full of silence, where everyone is suffocating themselves with an anticipation that will never leave them? not even after the news braeks and turns the see of anguish into an erupting volcanoe?.... or shall i just talk my usual bollocks?
bollocks it is then, i'm sooo overdrawn on my overdraft, and i hate to say it but it is all my fault, the more short of money i get the more i feel the need to rebel by shopping and thus leaving me with even less money for the whole cycle to begin again, but on the plus side i have some nice new bleeding edge goth dolls
job interview on thursday (this is my current excuse for shopping) burtons menswear want to offer me a supervisor posistion at there Hanley store are they MAD?!?!?!?!? MWWWWWWHAHAHAHA
If you get the job your first action should be to raze it to the ground.