It's everywhere. In our clothes, in our shoes. In our ears, up our noses, in our hair, between our toes. Yes - even...DOWN THERE.
Playa dust.
But it was worth it! Burning Man was indescribably, ridiculously awesome. I can't even begin to do the experience justice in words. My transformation is complete - I've become a total Burning Man fan girl. I even breathe through my mouth when I talk about it. Seriously.
Some of my other camp mates were feeling a bit deflated upon coming back to the real world, so one of them dug up this set of tips for replicating the experience at home. It's pretty funny and also pretty dead on.
Speaking of the real world...I asked my sister to house-sit for us while we were gone, you know - walk the dog, get the mail kind of thing. I come home to find out that her boyfriend was over the entire week (which is fine), but that he also STOLE a couple hundred dollars worth of cds from our place before he left. At first I thought maybe I was just being paranoid - but no. I'm one of those people who meticulously alphabetizes their cds (more mouth-breathing) and always always puts them back in their proper place. So I know for sure when like 30 of them (including all of my Pixies albums
) are missing. What a dick! He maintains that he doesn't know what I'm talking about, but my sister swears up and down that he was the only other person there all week, so...It's just sad that I spent six whole days in the desert with 35,000 other people, leaving everything out for the taking at our camp site (including leaving the car unlocked) and not a thing went missing. I come back here and, well, you see what happens...
Ok, off to find out what everyone else has been up to all week. Whatever it is, I bet you all have less dust in your various orifices than I.
Playa dust.
But it was worth it! Burning Man was indescribably, ridiculously awesome. I can't even begin to do the experience justice in words. My transformation is complete - I've become a total Burning Man fan girl. I even breathe through my mouth when I talk about it. Seriously.
Some of my other camp mates were feeling a bit deflated upon coming back to the real world, so one of them dug up this set of tips for replicating the experience at home. It's pretty funny and also pretty dead on.
Speaking of the real world...I asked my sister to house-sit for us while we were gone, you know - walk the dog, get the mail kind of thing. I come home to find out that her boyfriend was over the entire week (which is fine), but that he also STOLE a couple hundred dollars worth of cds from our place before he left. At first I thought maybe I was just being paranoid - but no. I'm one of those people who meticulously alphabetizes their cds (more mouth-breathing) and always always puts them back in their proper place. So I know for sure when like 30 of them (including all of my Pixies albums

Ok, off to find out what everyone else has been up to all week. Whatever it is, I bet you all have less dust in your various orifices than I.
ok. you asked about hyde park - so here's the info download (and i apolgize for it being long and rambly):
first, i really really LIKE this neighborhood. it has a good vibe, with a cool mix of working class african american families, rich folks in mansions, well to do facutly, and broke ass students. there is actually a nice racial mix. there are restaurants (snail - good thai, dixie bait shack - great southern food, orly's, medici - pizza and others). it's also pretty quiet. GREAT book stores: 57th steet books, seminary co-op, powell's. o'garas, a nice borders.
however - nite life. yea. not really. there are 3 bars. one is a lame bar louise. the other is a dive called 'the cove' - big with locals and undegrads (cheap beer, good juxebok), then there is jimmy's (or the woodlawn tap) where grad students, locals, and profs hang out. very low key neighborhood bar. but that's it.
other great stuff: the park (harold washington) is really cool. and we're close to the lake. the point is very cool - an outcropping of park into the lake.
and that's the problem - after about 8 or 9pm, this place feels EMPTY. i would not call it dangerous (i mean, stuff happens - assaults, robberies - but there were rapes in wicker park a year ago, so what are ya gonna do?) ... but as a friend put it: "it just feels weird to know so many people are around, but no one is out."
also, public transport is ok - but not as good as on the north side (b/c of where we live, on the corner of 51st & blaocktone - we actually use the metra quite a bit). oh. parking isn't so great either...
i like it ... but i also would not mind moving ... but it would not be a bad place to buy a first place. not at all. if you ever wanna check it out, let me know - i'd gladly show you around my little corner of hyde park very north east, almostt in kenwood and by the lake).