Crap. I feel so out of it here now. I just went to post a notice about GURLESQUE BURLESQUE in the SGChicago group and was overwhelmed by how much has been going on this summer.
Note to self: check SGChicago group at least once a week.
Anyone wants to check out the show with me, let me know. And if not, try to go anyway...
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Note to self: check SGChicago group at least once a week.
Anyone wants to check out the show with me, let me know. And if not, try to go anyway...
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Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Been pretty busy - bought a condo just a few blocks away, so I'm pleased. Going up to Michigan for a week with some friends to have cocktails and laughs by the lake. Can't wait.
What's everyone been up to? Did anyone else go to the Windy City Rollers exhibition on Sunday? It was way cool. Lucy Furr of the...
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Been pretty busy - bought a condo just a few blocks away, so I'm pleased. Going up to Michigan for a week with some friends to have cocktails and laughs by the lake. Can't wait.
What's everyone been up to? Did anyone else go to the Windy City Rollers exhibition on Sunday? It was way cool. Lucy Furr of the...
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Yeah, the updates just keep getting fewer and further between. Sucks because I used to be really into this site - just haven't had the energy lately to write/read journal entries or even look at naked girls (which is really sayin' something). Plus, I'm sure I've missed out on some good SG get-togethers due to my failure to check the boards. Sucks.
Hope everyone is...
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Hope everyone is...
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happy birthday
Some days I have to wonder...what IS so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?
I've been very busy - I'd like to say with school - but, sadly, it's just been work and a whole lot of partying. More of the latter than the former, probably. Speaking of which, one of my co-workers told me that one of the major Chicago newspapers (Sun-Times, Trib, I...
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I've been very busy - I'd like to say with school - but, sadly, it's just been work and a whole lot of partying. More of the latter than the former, probably. Speaking of which, one of my co-workers told me that one of the major Chicago newspapers (Sun-Times, Trib, I...
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hello...I'd like to get a copy of that newspaper article myself
woot. another "village" fan 

Being sick is for sucks. Haven't gone to work in 2 days - just lying around the house, watching crap television, using up all of the kleenex and groaning faintly from time to time.
So, a good friend of mine is getting married next month and, in a moment of sentimental weakness, I offered to help plan the bachelorette party. Now, this is a way...
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So, a good friend of mine is getting married next month and, in a moment of sentimental weakness, I offered to help plan the bachelorette party. Now, this is a way...
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hehe yeah i've seen that episode. quite funny.
So, I finally had a couple of hours to myself last week that didn't involve work, homework, goin' to a show, drinkin', makin' a little love, whatevah...hmmm, how should I spend these precious hours? Hows about checking out some fine looking ladies? Spluh. Locked out. Like that crowded house song. Greyed Out. So out came the credit card. Man, fine naked ladies are really...
Read More Locked out. Like that crowded house song. Greyed Out. So out came the credit card. Man, fine naked ladies are really...
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after i get my degree, i plan to teach and write. the standard academic route
when my wife & i got married, we actually did the court house route (we had to get married - to get univeristy housing actually; we were engaged already, we just bumped it up a year). a year later we DID have a receptiopn, and it was drama ... i sort of wish we had just eloped and been done with it. (the party was fun ... i dunno. now that it's DONE, i'm glad we did it, but the planning was such a bitch).

when my wife & i got married, we actually did the court house route (we had to get married - to get univeristy housing actually; we were engaged already, we just bumped it up a year). a year later we DID have a receptiopn, and it was drama ... i sort of wish we had just eloped and been done with it. (the party was fun ... i dunno. now that it's DONE, i'm glad we did it, but the planning was such a bitch).
I got an email about this upcoming talk on the history of striptease:
Rachel Shteir: Striptease:The Untold History of the Girlie Show
Friday, Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m.
Emerging from turn-of-the-century burlesque and vaudeville, striptease
could be savage, irreverent, vulgar, sophisticated, sentimental, and
subversive all at once. DePaul professor Rachel Shteir argues that it allowed a new
class of otherwise "good girls" to take ownership of...
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Rachel Shteir: Striptease:The Untold History of the Girlie Show
Friday, Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m.
Emerging from turn-of-the-century burlesque and vaudeville, striptease
could be savage, irreverent, vulgar, sophisticated, sentimental, and
subversive all at once. DePaul professor Rachel Shteir argues that it allowed a new
class of otherwise "good girls" to take ownership of...
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man I wish I had known about that!
you dont know how long i had that stuck in my head.
re: living in the city. i'm a huge fan of living in the city. i find it hard to imagine wanting to trade this for another kind of life. but i guess anything is possible. i actually have this friend who rails against urban life, talking about how it is no place to live a city. i'm not quite sure what he thinks urban life is like ... gun fights and sewer crocs maybe? cities i think are great for kids - they get to experience so much life. suburbs are actually terrible for kids - b/c the lack of sidewalks, public transport, and general suburban malaise keeps kids cooped up at home, not living life.
I didn't even notice that there was a dating feature on this site now. Maybe it's just that I have no need for it (being married and all) - but my immediate reaction to this is BLECH.
I was amused by the use of the word "clingfilm" in the little survey. When did this word replace "saran wrap" in the popular lexicon? It reminded me...
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I was amused by the use of the word "clingfilm" in the little survey. When did this word replace "saran wrap" in the popular lexicon? It reminded me...
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it's prolly the generic non-royalty paying word clingfilm is.
i think the dating thing is a great way to find new drug connections!
i think the dating thing is a great way to find new drug connections!
Monster props to you for picking that up.
Nice new profile pic. Meow.

Nice new profile pic. Meow.

have a lovely time! and post photos in sg chicago!!