whats wrong with pink??
but yeah you're right, a carton would be much better, heh. keep your fingers crossed for me, i'm hoping this time it will be a good one... the set, that is.
It's been a while since I posted. Got my car fixed spent almost 3k on that bitch. Now it looks brand new even though it's 10 years old lol I cut my hair, it's burning me alive working in the sun all day with it being down near my ass in length. I cut to it to my shoulders, did it all myself. It looks... Read More
lol it's summer time, this fucking rules!! I'm actually content with my life, it's amazing. More people would learn a lot if they just woke up and started to enjoy things instead of basterdise every small fucking thing that happens.
Ok i'm done with this posting trash. And no more mortica which fucking sucks dick
Hmm I pasted that i'm looking for a chick, but... Read More
Ha, thanks for your words of concern but it's totally straight. He's a graduate student before he is a professor. I am not in his class anymore; we could have met elsewhere and never have known each other in a teacher-student way.
He's graduating and starting a new career as a for-real professor in the Midwest in a few weeks. No sweat.
wow lots of drama going on around here. I kind of felt it a few months ago but now it's all over the place. I have a feeling this site will be shutting it's doors soon.
Hmm some reason I had to redo my fav sg list. This website is constantly being changed just to aggravate me and I love it
Still working my ass off and paying bills. I bought some DVDS but haven't had time to watch them. I bought some ps2 games also. Yet still to busy to play them lol I'm gonna try n get a weight... Read More
I cut my hair again, kinda shaved the sides and fixed up the back. It's not so wild looking, more clean cut kinda preppy bull shit. Got a new computer chair, old one kinda fell apart, spent 60 bucks on this bitch and it owns.
Bought quake 4, now that game fucking rules. If you like fps games you have to get it for ur... Read More
but yeah you're right, a carton would be much better, heh. keep your fingers crossed for me, i'm hoping this time it will be a good one... the set, that is.