Tonight... is a very bored night. Though i am using it to be a bit productive. On these very slow, uneventful nights i find cleaning to be a good way to pass the time. Today, i'm cleaning my computer. Running AVG and Spybot, and once those are finished, i'm gonna run a defrag. I'm uninstalling shit left and right thinking to myself "Why the hell would i download that anyway?!" It's been a couple of months since i've run any sort of virus scan... damn i'm lazy. Well this should be the pick-me-up my poor pc needs.
So this last week was fun! I started it out right, as you should any week, i went and got smashed with some friends! However, since these are very poor(or very cheap)friends, all we had to drink was cheapstone light, and HRD. Now for those of you who are not familiar with HRD... It's the most lowbrow vodka money can buy. To say it's bottom shelf would be giving it praise, i'd say sub-shelf sounds about right. So Tuesday Morning i walked 5 miles home, at 7 a.m., from the place of party excellence.... Hungover as fuck! Managed to only throw up once on the way, but it was some pretty nasty shit.

So to start the recovery process as early as possible, i bought a xxx vitawater, and a big greasy McDonalds gut-bomb.
When i finally got home i slept until 11 and then started getting on with my day.
I'm thinking of making a protest sign! I've never lived anywhere where any largescale protests have occurred, but i wanna be ready damnit! I keep seeing these pictures of any gay rights picketing, so i wanna make a big sign that says "God hates bigotive pricks!" And have an arrow pointing in the direction of said bigotive pricks...
So i haven't started packing yet, but i'm getting ready to. I went out and bought some totes for it at Wal-Mart with my dad. We had a heart-felt discussion about how right it feels to pronounce it "chimi-chang-as" while shopping at Wal-Mart. God bless the white trash of America, so much entertainment stems forth from their crazy antics.
Anyway... i'm losing my patience for blogging tonight.
This is Morss-never drinking HRD again!-signing off.

So this last week was fun! I started it out right, as you should any week, i went and got smashed with some friends! However, since these are very poor(or very cheap)friends, all we had to drink was cheapstone light, and HRD. Now for those of you who are not familiar with HRD... It's the most lowbrow vodka money can buy. To say it's bottom shelf would be giving it praise, i'd say sub-shelf sounds about right. So Tuesday Morning i walked 5 miles home, at 7 a.m., from the place of party excellence.... Hungover as fuck! Managed to only throw up once on the way, but it was some pretty nasty shit.

I'm thinking of making a protest sign! I've never lived anywhere where any largescale protests have occurred, but i wanna be ready damnit! I keep seeing these pictures of any gay rights picketing, so i wanna make a big sign that says "God hates bigotive pricks!" And have an arrow pointing in the direction of said bigotive pricks...
So i haven't started packing yet, but i'm getting ready to. I went out and bought some totes for it at Wal-Mart with my dad. We had a heart-felt discussion about how right it feels to pronounce it "chimi-chang-as" while shopping at Wal-Mart. God bless the white trash of America, so much entertainment stems forth from their crazy antics.
Anyway... i'm losing my patience for blogging tonight.
This is Morss-never drinking HRD again!-signing off.

So in that case I give you emote spam.