Guess it's about that time again. Let's see.....
I started re-reading Under The Banner of Heaven today. The last time i read it was a couple years ago, so i was younger and more distracted. So now that i'm retaining most of it... I don't mean to judge, in fact i usually try not to, but Mormonism has spawned some FUCK. UP. SHIT! It is not okay to fuck your 13-year-old niece just because God tells you to. End of story. Fucking FLDS anyway...
My fingertips are killing me this week. Got out my acoustic and i've been playing it a lot. I need some new strings though, these ones have lost that 'twang' that i love so much. Played around with full, and half step down today, i really like the lower sound for acoustic.
I made an appointment for my tattoo. I'm getting the Silk Specter on my ribs, just under my right arm. They said i should be looking at 4-6 hours, at $100 per hour. I'm not so sure about it though, i wont have enough time to get another sitting before i leave for Job Corps, so if we can't nail it in one sitting i don't think it'll happen. And i'm still not sure which day i'm even leaving for Job Corps, though i should be getting the call about that sometime in the next couple days.
Bleh... I'd kick a small child in the teeth for some icecream right now. But only if someone showed up at my door, with the icecream, and small child in question.
This is Morss-wtf did i just step in?-signing off.
I started re-reading Under The Banner of Heaven today. The last time i read it was a couple years ago, so i was younger and more distracted. So now that i'm retaining most of it... I don't mean to judge, in fact i usually try not to, but Mormonism has spawned some FUCK. UP. SHIT! It is not okay to fuck your 13-year-old niece just because God tells you to. End of story. Fucking FLDS anyway...
My fingertips are killing me this week. Got out my acoustic and i've been playing it a lot. I need some new strings though, these ones have lost that 'twang' that i love so much. Played around with full, and half step down today, i really like the lower sound for acoustic.
I made an appointment for my tattoo. I'm getting the Silk Specter on my ribs, just under my right arm. They said i should be looking at 4-6 hours, at $100 per hour. I'm not so sure about it though, i wont have enough time to get another sitting before i leave for Job Corps, so if we can't nail it in one sitting i don't think it'll happen. And i'm still not sure which day i'm even leaving for Job Corps, though i should be getting the call about that sometime in the next couple days.
Bleh... I'd kick a small child in the teeth for some icecream right now. But only if someone showed up at my door, with the icecream, and small child in question.
This is Morss-wtf did i just step in?-signing off.


You know you can examine them whenever you want!