aaand again. its been too long since i updated my blog. tons of annoying stuff going on, and some good.
working long hours at the shop as always. dealing with immigration crap ( im a permanent resident, filing for citizenship and the paperwork is retarded ), having surgery on tuesday and other annoying junk that i wish i could sleep through.
but also fun stuff. been going out alot, made new friends, went to disneyland for the millionth time. still in love with my new apartment.. and an old friend moved back from the east coast. told him it would suck over there.. hah! nothing beats hollywood.
my friend bradley and i tattooed matching tattoos on each other. "kiss kiss" "bang bang". whenever we go anywhere we have to show people. were so rad.
best friend in the whole world, mindee, has a bun in the oven. crazy exciting. it only took her and her husband david about two months to get preggers once they decided they were ready. late 20s is a good time to start
already looking forward to babysitting.
got new contacts and have been reciving compliments/been subjected to idiots asking if theyre contacts.
what else. stuff. i dont know. good and bad time right now. thats life i guess.
working long hours at the shop as always. dealing with immigration crap ( im a permanent resident, filing for citizenship and the paperwork is retarded ), having surgery on tuesday and other annoying junk that i wish i could sleep through.
but also fun stuff. been going out alot, made new friends, went to disneyland for the millionth time. still in love with my new apartment.. and an old friend moved back from the east coast. told him it would suck over there.. hah! nothing beats hollywood.
my friend bradley and i tattooed matching tattoos on each other. "kiss kiss" "bang bang". whenever we go anywhere we have to show people. were so rad.
best friend in the whole world, mindee, has a bun in the oven. crazy exciting. it only took her and her husband david about two months to get preggers once they decided they were ready. late 20s is a good time to start

got new contacts and have been reciving compliments/been subjected to idiots asking if theyre contacts.
what else. stuff. i dont know. good and bad time right now. thats life i guess.
cant wait to meet you sexay