What´s on my mind ?! Let me tell You. (Sorry for my School-English) I´m living in a german workers-town (Mannheim), being a worker in a worker´s family since decades and being proud of it. Deposit bottle collectors are in common for most, even in Europe´s, enslavering most countries, Germany. But today, I saw a man eating out of our trash can. I´m working hard for my money. But my wish was to give him 20€, make him recognize, I want nobody to eat out of a trash can ! I went to this man, saying: "Hello, may I give You that...". But before I completed my speech, he passed away, seemed like being hunted. I think he suspected me to revile him things or kick his ass. That makes me sad, nobody should feel like he does in that moment and certainly everyday ?! So help me change the world to be a better place. I´m sure, You know much worse "stories" to be told ! Let me know about this stories, tell them to others and make them pay to change these things. Because this is an everyday occurence for so much people in the world today, I´m not writing these words to make You feel pity. Of course, I don´t need Your worries, but so much people do have ! Well, that´s on my mind !