In the past week I've done somethings I'm not to proud of. The best part is that everyday is a new start to do something goodish... I've corrected some of it but there's still a mess on the floor you can say.
In recent news, I've been listening to Johnny Cash non-stop. Not really sure which song is my favourite. It's a toss up with...
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In recent news, I've been listening to Johnny Cash non-stop. Not really sure which song is my favourite. It's a toss up with...
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Hello, been a super long time since I posted. I don't really have much to say. Fantasia finished awhile ago and saw a total of 23 films. By far my favourite was "Bellflower". It was an amazing film that needs to be seen by everyone. Besides that, I'm been doing volunteer work at the local Salvation Army, feel real good about it. Otakuthon was last...
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Fantasia International Film Festival has been going on for the past 5 days and everyday it gets better and better. I waited with a friend on the first day of tickets sales. Standing in line for about two hours and it was worth the wait. Got over dozen tickets for the festival and probably going to pick up more in the next few days.
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Fantasia Film Festival is awesome! Been going to it for the past 3 years. Never disappointed with it. Already saw 5 films and 2 shorts this year, more than the previous years put together. 8 more films to go, but who knows I might get some more tickets soon.
Wow! Over two months without any post. So what's new? I've spending a lot of time volunteering at the Salvation Army. Been enjoying the work there.
Finished court which is great news! Victory was mine!
I've been watching films in between volunteering and sleep. Trying to prepare myself for the festival next month, so excited for it!
Been sneaking around the set of Blue Mountain...
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Finished court which is great news! Victory was mine!
I've been watching films in between volunteering and sleep. Trying to prepare myself for the festival next month, so excited for it!
Been sneaking around the set of Blue Mountain...
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BMS? Lol, luv it 

A friend of mine wanted to do the milk challenge watch is getting very popular. I had no idea what this challenge was in till he explained to me. Basically you have to drink 4 litres of milk with in a hour time limit. Sounds easy, right? Apparently it isn't. The body can't handle that most milk. Personally my body is weaker than most so...
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I hate milk too. I'm lucky I was only filming. We did another challenge with cinnamon, where we swallowing a table spoon of cinnamon.
lol that's pretty fucked up always thought i should try that someday...thought my friends werent thinking the same so it never happened 

Been watching a lot of Anime short films. Realizing that watching short films are a lot more enjoyable than long ass series that's over 300 episodes. A few favourite anime short films are Nakedyouth, Mizu no Kotoba, and Old Crocodile. Check them out! They're pretty cool 

Has a new favourite tea! Green & Fruity. It's amazing, hopefully I'll be drinking from now on instead of all the diet coke. Off to have some tea

Been awhile since the last blog. I really don't know what to say in these blogs. I thought maybe a joke but I couldn't think of one that was funny enough to post or make you waste your time reading. Basically like my blog. I'll try next time to write a better post.
How many chicken wings is too much? 96 chickens is too much. Damn you 2 for 1 wing night!
SHARKTOPUS! It's the most fear man-made creature out there.
im good. you?