It was announced last week that satellites, geologists and engineers from the U.S. and other countries have verified what Russian geologists had discovered in the 1980's but kept secret after their departure from Afghanistan... Deposits worth almost 1 TRILLION dollars worth of rare earth minerals including, gold and lithium vital to the development of electric cars!
see map below-
These deposits if mined in an environmentally responsible way and the wealth it could bring if shared with the long suffering and war weary people of Afghanistan could bring that country from the second poorest in the world to one of the richest per-capita. Providing good paying jobs for literally every man and woman in the country in the form of miners, engineers, administrative personnel and their support industries good wipe out poverty and the need for opium farming and the Taliban and other radical Islamic bullies.
The down side, is history has shown that usually greed takes over and the wealth that could do so much good in that region will probably go to the corrupt Karzai regime as they sell-off the mineral rights to trans-national corporations and China who will bring in their own workers and further corner the market on technology related rare minerals.
Let's all hope this doesn't end badly like it probably will.
see map below-

These deposits if mined in an environmentally responsible way and the wealth it could bring if shared with the long suffering and war weary people of Afghanistan could bring that country from the second poorest in the world to one of the richest per-capita. Providing good paying jobs for literally every man and woman in the country in the form of miners, engineers, administrative personnel and their support industries good wipe out poverty and the need for opium farming and the Taliban and other radical Islamic bullies.
The down side, is history has shown that usually greed takes over and the wealth that could do so much good in that region will probably go to the corrupt Karzai regime as they sell-off the mineral rights to trans-national corporations and China who will bring in their own workers and further corner the market on technology related rare minerals.
Let's all hope this doesn't end badly like it probably will.

I agree that greed is definitely a terrible thing, and has done horrific things. Hopefully we can move forward as a people without it.