on monday i discovered Sea Dog's Blue Paw Wheat Ale. OMG why did I not know this existed?!! i am in love. with beer. LOL

also discovered Cato's Ale House on Piedmont in Oakland. love this place. Blueberry wheat beer and an Obama sandwich (no avocado) please! ^_^
my gosh. long time no see.
been away for a while. life gets frustrating and i just needed some 'me' time i guess. blah blah blah ...

i still love all of the sexy photos here. gotta go look at every set I've missed! LOL
it's official: i am completely in lust with scarification. and i'd TOTALLY get it done, but i just cannot for the life of me get my skin to scar. i only have 2 scars on my body, neither from anything insanely vicious and both are pretty small. i mean, i've gouged out huge chunks of flesh, down to the bone before, but no scars remain....
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hi! very good day!
how dawned?

tongue i like very much the tattoos!
scary isss robot
is very painful

OMG it's been forever since i even logged on here. how can i forget about the lovely gorgeousness here from the models and fellow purveyors of such loveliness?!

no news really. starting my own business in a few months - is that decent enough news? probably not.

no new piercings or tats. but my cousins did get another pitbull puppy named Irie (eye-ree). she is...
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Happy Birthday!!!
found out the other day i have 'extensive' liver damage. today is the first appointment to find out what might be wrong (or how extensive it is, exactly). the Boyfriend thinks it may be from my years of Vicodin use (for pain from nerve damage). who knows. I guess no more Vicodin (or alcohol or caffeine) for me!

took my (nipple) piercings out a few...
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jeez, that's terrible. i hope it can be treated.
met a boy not too long ago. everything was cool until he found out i was pierced one night while out with a group of my friends. he claimed he was actually "disgusted" by it and walked out. caused a huge scene on the way. i was heartbroken. not that i'd never been turned down because of being tatted and pierced, but to make such...
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its been a minute since i've been on here at all. all the girls are so pretty though. *squee*

no new piercings or tats, but life is awesome. ^_^