Been a while since I updated.
Its humpday woohoo, that much closer to the weekend. I live my life for weekends.
My first Valentines day in a long time with an actual Valentine
I really am the luckiest woman alive
I heart Casey ( yeah yeah I know
but shhh let me wallow in my sappy happiness)
I've been avoiding updating cause I love that picture of me and Casey so much. Here's another happy one of me and the 'rents!
School is going pretty well, have a test tomorrow and a skit on friday (I get to be the stuckup bitch superego character - its all freudian)
Applications are still being accepted. see my last entry for openings
to those that have applied already much love
I still miss amanda like whoa. And grandpa, but the missing him is changing with time....and its reminded me for the time being not to take for granted the time I have with those that I love.

My first Valentines day in a long time with an actual Valentine

I've been avoiding updating cause I love that picture of me and Casey so much. Here's another happy one of me and the 'rents!

School is going pretty well, have a test tomorrow and a skit on friday (I get to be the stuckup bitch superego character - its all freudian)
Applications are still being accepted. see my last entry for openings

I still miss amanda like whoa. And grandpa, but the missing him is changing with time....and its reminded me for the time being not to take for granted the time I have with those that I love.
ps, I'm thinking of picking up the WoW addiction
also what server? looking at picking up WoW tomorrow I think.