UPDATE: The mustang is back in our posession! All fixed. Looks great. Too bad we couldnt get them to paint the entire car. Thanks to all my taggee's for being good sports. Its a really good time getting to know little facts about people.
Oh geez industrielle this is really hard.
She tagged me to post 20 interesting facts about myself and I'm not sure I'm that interesting lol, but here goes.
1) I was born in tiny lexington, SC and my southern accent was SO bad growing up that I got made fun of. Sadly its mostly gone now.
2) I won a water skiing trophy at the ripe old age of 1 because my dad carried me while skiiing in a water skiing tournament.
3) I just said skiing 3 times in one well formed sentance.
4) Once at a piano recital (while playing my piece memorized) I lost my place so I started making it up until I could figure out where I was. My piano teacher (who heard this song 3 times a week every week for probably 2 months) didn't notice cause I covered it up so well.
5) I spent a month in the slums of Brazil, dressed as a cat performing to a tape of brazillian narration and doing balloon animals for little kids.
6) I was part of the Centennial parade at Disneyworld in florida.
7) thats also where I got my first kiss.
But hes a jackass so we wont talk about him
8) I moved out of my parents house at 17, 2 weeks after I graduated and moved in with 4 boys. *sigh* some of us like to force ourselves into growing up early.
9) I changed my major in college from Music, to Pre-med (me as a doctor
) to psychology...and I have yet to finish.
10) I met the wonderful Casey on the internet (hot or not if you want to be exact) I'm a real life hot or not success story...but for some reason people dont take us seriously if we say that.
11) I just learned to drive stick shift 3 months ago.
12) My dog weighs 3 pounds full grown and he thinks he's a cat.
13) I've never done drugs, smoked ciggarettes, or been arrested.
14) I have been known to smoke a fat stogey (sp?) in my day.
15) I'm an only child. My parents live an entire continent away, and I have never missed 2 people so bad in all my life.
16) I've been to the wilderness of Canada (they call it the bush) 3 times (British Columbia) and did wilderness survival training. It was fun!
17) In above mentioned bush, I went for 3 weeks without a proper shower
18) I own more musical instruments than I have time to play. 2 guitars, one acoustic, one electric, a french horn (actually 2 of them) and a piano.
19) My hair used to be down to my butt. Kept it that long for probably 9 years and when I cut it off I donated enough to make 3 wigs to locks of love.
20) I am madly in love with a man named Casey. He holds my heart. I moved all the way across the damn country with him.
I have never been so happy.
So that wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. I'm gonna tag 5 people on my list. Its now your job to post up 20 interesting facts about yourselves.
Consider faye, mrblisters, gracie, ring, and someoneuk now tagged. 
Oh geez industrielle this is really hard.

She tagged me to post 20 interesting facts about myself and I'm not sure I'm that interesting lol, but here goes.
1) I was born in tiny lexington, SC and my southern accent was SO bad growing up that I got made fun of. Sadly its mostly gone now.
2) I won a water skiing trophy at the ripe old age of 1 because my dad carried me while skiiing in a water skiing tournament.
3) I just said skiing 3 times in one well formed sentance.

4) Once at a piano recital (while playing my piece memorized) I lost my place so I started making it up until I could figure out where I was. My piano teacher (who heard this song 3 times a week every week for probably 2 months) didn't notice cause I covered it up so well.
5) I spent a month in the slums of Brazil, dressed as a cat performing to a tape of brazillian narration and doing balloon animals for little kids.
6) I was part of the Centennial parade at Disneyworld in florida.
7) thats also where I got my first kiss.

8) I moved out of my parents house at 17, 2 weeks after I graduated and moved in with 4 boys. *sigh* some of us like to force ourselves into growing up early.
9) I changed my major in college from Music, to Pre-med (me as a doctor

10) I met the wonderful Casey on the internet (hot or not if you want to be exact) I'm a real life hot or not success story...but for some reason people dont take us seriously if we say that.
11) I just learned to drive stick shift 3 months ago.
12) My dog weighs 3 pounds full grown and he thinks he's a cat.
13) I've never done drugs, smoked ciggarettes, or been arrested.
14) I have been known to smoke a fat stogey (sp?) in my day.
15) I'm an only child. My parents live an entire continent away, and I have never missed 2 people so bad in all my life.
16) I've been to the wilderness of Canada (they call it the bush) 3 times (British Columbia) and did wilderness survival training. It was fun!
17) In above mentioned bush, I went for 3 weeks without a proper shower

18) I own more musical instruments than I have time to play. 2 guitars, one acoustic, one electric, a french horn (actually 2 of them) and a piano.
19) My hair used to be down to my butt. Kept it that long for probably 9 years and when I cut it off I donated enough to make 3 wigs to locks of love.
20) I am madly in love with a man named Casey. He holds my heart. I moved all the way across the damn country with him.

So that wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. I'm gonna tag 5 people on my list. Its now your job to post up 20 interesting facts about yourselves.

Here's 5 for now.