I checked the courses online today and a spot had opened up in the Indoor Plants class so I grabbed it. I am sooo happy. I didn't know it existed until I was over at Marshall's picking up some treets and his roommate had all these really cool plants growing in the window that he took home from that class. So now I'm evenmoreplant crazy than I've been for the past few months. And I get a good excuse to clear out some space for a grow light cause it's for class and stuff. we're gonna grow all kinds of normal houseplants and a hanging basket and a terrarium and a cactus garden and a bog garden with carnivorous plants.
haha. the first time i typed "carnivorous plants" i looked up and it said "carnivourous pants". i can't type for beans.
haha. the first time i typed "carnivorous plants" i looked up and it said "carnivourous pants". i can't type for beans.
plus i got it with a friend of mine who's a badass bass player... he's actually playing at more than coffee thursday night from 7-10... i'm hoping to get down there and check it out before i have to come back and read the rest of the night for my other classes..
have fun with your man eating plants