So today was a Massive Chest and back work out day: So tomorrow I'll be sore but hey its worth it........

25 min cardio ran 2 miles (slow pace)
1) Super set:
Chest Press : 1 warm up set 10 reps(55 lbs each arm) , 3 working sets 8 reps each (95 lbs in each hand)
Bent over dumb bell extension: 1 warm up set...
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I'm officially getting my first tattoo.... When I get home, it's going to be my wifes name and our marriage date and then will be my sons name and his DoB..... Any one know any great artists in Italy?
Today marks day 160 in Afghanistan: Motivation level is very low, but hey it's okay in 110 days I'll go home see my Son and my wife and enjoy the relaxation of leave. Vacation possibilities include Prauge, Ireland or maybe Greece. Whats your thoughts?ARRR!!!