I feel as though things have been very busy lately. But that is okay, I think. I prefer life when it is busy, I think I enjoy things better. I do feel like a bad pen pal, 'cause I haven't written any responses for the past few days, but I think will be able to do so tomorrow. :o)
This past weekend was a riot. eye8theworm and I had our "Valentine's" celebration by going out to a special dinner and show production put on by the AP company here in GR and hosted by San Chez/Mezze. The food was fabulous, and the show was hilarious; 'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged.' Our table was right up front and as such I got picked on a lot...never wear red low cut tops around thespians....'cause you get pulled up on stage and forced to play Ophellia.
Saturday eye8theworm's band Four For Smoking played a show at the Intersection here in town and this incredibly drunk chick jumped on stage and started dancing with the band, and then tried to make out with Nic and beg Marty to marry her. I laughed so hard my face hurt.

Notice the large stamped "M" on her hand. Good Times.
This past weekend was a riot. eye8theworm and I had our "Valentine's" celebration by going out to a special dinner and show production put on by the AP company here in GR and hosted by San Chez/Mezze. The food was fabulous, and the show was hilarious; 'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged.' Our table was right up front and as such I got picked on a lot...never wear red low cut tops around thespians....'cause you get pulled up on stage and forced to play Ophellia.

Saturday eye8theworm's band Four For Smoking played a show at the Intersection here in town and this incredibly drunk chick jumped on stage and started dancing with the band, and then tried to make out with Nic and beg Marty to marry her. I laughed so hard my face hurt.

Notice the large stamped "M" on her hand. Good Times.