My belly feels slooshy- that's the technical term for the liquidy feeling one gets after consuming too much in the...uhh...liquid department. I don't have the fever and body aches anymore, but my throat just feels plain gross.
About 4 or 5 of Nic's friends are coming over this afternoon to play D & D, and I feel like I should be out of the house or at the very least look semi-presentable, but at this hacking rate I'm not going anywhere.
I'm probably going to have to leave at some point, as I think I am going to run out of juice. I feel like I should eat, but solid food doesn't sound tasty right now.
To pass the time, I've been watching massive amounts of movies, which is very unlike me. I've gone through M*A*S*H, Dogma, Love Actually (I got into an Alan Rickman mood), Finding Nemo, and Edward Scissorhands. I've also put a considerable dent in my Mensa sudoku book.
In other news, my mom called me two days ago to say that they were buying a midsize SUV. She claimed it wasn't a gas-guzzler, and was a steal at a mere $19,000. Psshhh, pocket change. They'll be trading in the Toyota Avalon, which is a nice car just getting really old, and receiving $3500 for it. My parents are trying to keep a positive attitude on the finacial scheme of things as Dad will be jobless, or in a new job, by the end of the year. Mom conveyed that she wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, which it probably isn't considering, but that they just wanted to move on as normal. Perhaps later I'll post on my feelings about my father getting shafted at Siemens.
Anyways, I am feeling woozy, and Charlie wants to cuddle. Who am I to say no to this face?

if you need to run away, call me.
I hope you are feeling better by now. you bowl at all?