hi hello, it is i.
it’s been a couple weeks since i started medication, and i’m going to have an update for y’all soon, but in short: i’m better. not as “better” as i had hoped (possibly a dosage issue, will find out next appt), but better enough to not feel completely hopeless.
in the time i’ve been taking to evaluate myself, my life, the medication, etc., i’ve been working on more stuff for my jewelry & accessory shop Genesixx. these are some of the new items that are available!
you can find more in my story on twitter (morguenmarie or shopgenesixx), my story or ‘for sale’ highlight on instagram (morgue.n.marie2 or shopgenesixx), my depop (morguexnxmarie), or my etsy (shopgenesixx.com), the last 2 i’ll be updating the next couple of days!
there are many more i’m currently working on, and i’m really excited to show you the rest!
purchasing from my shop really helps me stay afloat while i’m taking a mental health break from sex work/starting a new medication ♥️
pls feel free to dm in one of the places mentioned above with any questions or orders. i hope you all are well ♥️