Happy Sunday sweet lovelies! How ya doin' ?
I'm back! I'm well too although I have yet recover from last week.
Back from work and waiting for the 1st of September when my job will finish and my vacation begins! Yay!!!!
Short blog 'cause I'm really tired.
Today was like this -.-

Why the fuck did the Italians do not understand that, when they are at sea and especially if on vacation, they have to take it easy?
They have perhaps punch out work?
This is what I hate most of their behavior. I speak of people who unfortunately frequent the bar I work for,

Wanna know about?????

I'll shoot my first set finally!!

I can't believe it! I feel like

I'm so happy and I have to thank Event_Horizon for giving me the chance to work with him. He is a great photographer and a great friend. He has worked with beauties of all kinds! I hope not to make him look bad!

He also did two sets for a SG Hopeful too.
Stay tuned!

I'm back! I'm well too although I have yet recover from last week.

Short blog 'cause I'm really tired.
Today was like this -.-

Why the fuck did the Italians do not understand that, when they are at sea and especially if on vacation, they have to take it easy?
They have perhaps punch out work?
This is what I hate most of their behavior. I speak of people who unfortunately frequent the bar I work for,

Wanna know about?????

I'll shoot my first set finally!!

I'm so happy and I have to thank Event_Horizon for giving me the chance to work with him. He is a great photographer and a great friend. He has worked with beauties of all kinds! I hope not to make him look bad!

He also did two sets for a SG Hopeful too.
Stay tuned!

Its so vibrant =) I cannot wait to see your set cutie pie =)
ahahaaha and I know the feeling about shooting the first set!! I had the same reaction ihihih
Can't wait to see it!! You need to show us a tease!! Pleeeaassseeeeeeeeeeee
I will also have vacations in September :\
And thank you so much for your kind words!!! Really!