So the set @904alvin and I reshot a few Sundays ago is finished, edited, and as far as I know ready to go! I'm honestly just waiting to see if it will be possible in any way to be able to submit my set and become a hopeful through this account! The bug on the site is still not fixed and prevents me from even being able to apply through this account, such a bummer as I've gotten to know some pretty rad people through this account, and fear I will loose not only all my blogs, posts, and photos, but the mega awesome people I've grown to know even in the short period I've been a member of the site... Anyways (I'm a rambler) I will most likely be submitting my set through the account SG provided me info to when I applied while logged out of my account this one - @dab_
Once I submit my set and have access to that account I will most likely no longer be posting here anymore, and just wanted to give everyone a heads up, as it looks like my impatience will get the best of me, with my set all edited and ready to submit, and since I cannot submit it through this account - I will have to start over from scratch with @dab_ .
On to the actual set: We actually shot at the same location twice, as we were originally going to use the abandoned train to the side of it, we both decided the background with it's total PNW-vibe, and everything with the wagon setting was to beautiful to pass up and decided to reshoot and primarily focus on the wagon. I was lucky to have such an awesome, patient, and professional photographer to work with on my first set. I think I can speak for both of us when I say we're very excited to submit this together and hopefully everyone will love it as much as I loved doing it!
Here are some teasers since it'll be a while til anyone gets to see them(;