What are you supposed to do when your own thoughts are the ones eating you up inside, dissolving every ounce of hope left inside you like the acid in your stomach.
When you’re left swallowing the words that want to creep up your throat and explode out of your body..
what are you supposed to do when your hands tremble to the point that you can’t even get a grip on the glass you’re sipping from, and how are you expected to get a grip on your thoughts.. When they slip away from you and only return to bring you more problems.
What are you supposed to do when you no longer feel good enough? What if you never have? .. what then?
… What if your whole world crumbled and all you were left with was your own thoughts, the very thing that’s destroyed you on the inside..
The very thing that’s destroyed everything.
There is a study (which i'll get to).... The world is grim place, ONLY if we think it so... I too suffer from these degenerative thoughts... The kind that will make a person go mad, but we must learn that in every dark place... there is a light... for every ying there is yang... and although there is much that you may dislike, there is a lot more for you to love.... and be happy for... The world is not as grim as you make it... there will always be friends and family that will always brighten your day.... think not of the problems that afflict you... instead think of ways to make them a bit easier... Although you may never have everything your heart desires... You will never be without what truly matters... So, if you may, turn that frown upside down and show us that your problems don't matter... :)
The study goes.... that a man would rather shoot himself before being left alone with his thoughts... In other words... the more you explain your problems to others the less bearing they become... :)