Last night my baby and I are celebrated our one year anniversary a little early, and going to see one of his favorite bands. I was so excited because last year it was the first date we could've had, but I had to decline as I'd just moved to Washington and was still unpacking, so he had to take someone else, well when I found out they were coming back into town I made sure to get us tickets as it's one of my boyfriend's favorite bands.. I couldn't have been happier to be spending the night out with my love since he works 6 days a week most weeks, and even when he gets home he's so tired and has to go to bed extremely early. So our time together is few and far between. But he got the day of yesterday and has today off so we could spend the weekend together. Our "official anniversary is 7/27 but we'd already been dating a good month or so, it wasnt until I called him out for calling me his "girlfriend" all the sudden, and I was like hold up bitch, you better make this official. Its an on going joke with us now, and I tease him all the time about our "unofficial" time together.
The concert was amazing minus a few bitches who clearly had NO concert etiquette what so ever, literally ripping in and out of the crowd and then back in and back out, a few girls in the same group did that I dont even know how many times and multiple people were like what the fuck? On the bright side there were tons of cute girls my boyfriend was scoping out for me, but one of the cutest girls there was with her girlfriend and I was like ahww darn. But I did happen to get the e-mail of the lead singer of The So So Glows ~ a super rad punk band that was one of the openers for Say Anything, I knew once they started playing that my boyfriend was going to LOVE their music, so I went to try to give dude my business card and told him I'd love to get him a copy of my book, so he flipped it over and wrote down his e-mail. I'm pretty sure his band mate thought I was hitting on him as he gave him a little winky face as he was writing down his e-mail for me, and it was so funny to me because the first thing I tried to scream in his ear ober the music was "my boyfriend absolutely loved your music" lol. It was a lovely night, sadly all the pictures I got were from after we moved to the back as I've never understood the moshing concept and just wanna be able to go and listen to great music, plus after some bitch nearly kneed me in the ass (right under my new, still healinh tattoo lol), I said fuck this and we moved for the next set.