Soooo, had and early morning and decided instead of going back to bed I'll stay up and rewatch some of my favorite episodes from my favorite shows!
Of course I had to go back and rewatch a couple episodes of Weeds including the episode Conrad finds her U-turn tattoo! <3
And now I'm going to drown myself in my all time favorite show LOST. I am probably the biggest Lost nerd ever! I've watched the entire series a good 5 or 6 times all the way through, not counting the many times I've restarted and got half way through, because I literally force anyone who dates or is friends with me to watch it, or at least TRY to get into it.
Another show like that is Fringe! Suprise Suprise, another JJ Abrams show! One thing you will learn about me super quickly is anything JJ Abrams touches I will at least give a chance, so far Super 8 has been my only let down, and Six Degrees Of Seperation. I will probably end up finishing Season 5 of Fringe today... I've been putting it off since it ended, that's another fun fact: I have a really big issue finishing series that I've been involved with for a while, or just series that I think are too great to end (I didn't watch the last Harry Potter movie until almost 2 years after it was released even though I owned it) So even though Fringe ended and I continued watching season 5 up until the last 5 or 6 episodes and I stopped, because Oh my goh how am I going to deal with a world where LOST and Fringe no longer have any episodes I've yet to see! - It's difficult for a Lostie to live in a "Post Lost World" -
I'm also needing to catch back up on my Revolution as I almost finished first season, and then they went into some weird 'New Year' Hiatus where I didn't even know if they were making a second season, well now they're done with season 2 and working on season 3, I have a whole unseen season of a JJ Abrams show, which makes me entirely too happy! Not to mention my slacking on Person Of Interest I probably even need to rewatch season 2!