So yesterday I went to go pick up one of my last checks from the budtending position I had quit, well on my last day I said what the hay and brought in about 5-6 signed copies of my first book "If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf" and decided I'd give them out to patients who came in and were regulars I'd seen ans grown to like, or people who I thought could use a smile. Well in comes this adorable girl I'd helped two or three times before, and she seemed hella stressed, she was someone I could see myself hanging out with outside of work (if i hung out with anyone that is) and so I decided she'd be one of the recipients of one of the books I'd brought in, she seemed so excited and immediately smiled ans brightened up. It honestly made my day! Well come to find out the very same girl came back in, not realizing it was my last day that day, and dropped off this beautiful painting she did
I've never really gotten anything back from anyone we give books to.. I guess because we send out free books to all the sick kids that come our way, I don't think much of giving books away here and there, I mean it was made to make people smile anyways.. I never expect anything back but this blew me away, like what a cool gift! I made a point to place it by my bed and soon I'll get it framed and hang it up!
Another person I'd given a book to, was a fellow Budtender at a dispensary I frequent, come to find out his mom did a children's book too!! He had a copy for me when I went to pick up wax and oh my gosh its inspiring to see how far we can go with our self publishing! They self published through a different company, and while we still need to look into it further, we are seriously considering switching companies with our third book!