Controversy flares over San Jose proposals to tax pot, tighten police and firefighter pay
By John Woolfolk
Posted: 07/25/2010 12:00:00 AM PDT
Armed with a recent poll suggesting two-thirds of San Jose residents would approve, city officials have recommended a November ballot measure calling for a tax on medicinal marijuana.
But the proposal one of five possible measures the City Council will consider next month drew fire from marijuana providers who say the 10 percent level is excessive. Critics also question the morality of taxing what they consider medicine.
"Ten percent is just ridiculous," said David Hodges, founder of the San Jose Cannabis Buyers Collective. Dozens of similar operations have sprouted in the past year since Councilman Pierluigi Oliverio proposed licensing and taxing medicinal marijuana operations.
Hodges said the proposal "would make San Jose the city with the highest medical cannabis tax rate in the state and put undue burden on patients." Users say local dispensaries charge about $45 on average for an eighth of an ounce.
The marijuana tax wasn't the only proposed measure drawing opposition. City police officers and firefighters on Friday said they would vigorously oppose a proposal by Mayor Chuck Reed to limit pay and benefit increases that outside arbitrators can award them when contract talks stall.
"As far as we're concerned, they dropped a nuclear bomb on us," said George Beattie, president of the San Jose Police Officers' Association.
Other measures under consideration would hike the city's sales tax by a quarter of a cent; allow reduced retirement benefits for new city workers; and permit city-owned land near the Diridon train station to be used for a privately built baseball stadium.
The City Council's Rules Committee, which Reed heads, on Wednesday will discuss putting all five proposed measures on the agenda for the council's Aug. 3 meeting; that's the deadline to get them on the fall ballot.
Only three are likely to make it to the ballot. While the ballpark measure would be paid for privately, the city only has money budgeted for two other measures.
Perhaps the least likely among them is the quarter-cent sales tax. The same city poll that found two-thirds of respondents would approve a medical marijuana tax found only "marginal" support for a new sales tax.
The city poll of 800 likely city voters, taken July 6 to 11, found support to raise San Jose's sales tax to 9.5 percent more than any other city in the county except Campbell was just 48 percent. The margin of error was 3.5 to 4.9 percentage points.
Reed was traveling and unavailable for comment, but spokeswoman Michelle McGurk said: "He has serious concerns about the viability of a sales tax measure."
By contrast, polling on a marijuana tax found 66 percent in support. Respondents were polled on both a 3 percent tax rate, as Oliverio had initially suggested, and 10 percent.
Oliverio said he has no preference on the rate. "That's a great discussion for the council to have," he said.
The city is in the midst of developing a licensing scheme for medical marijuana outfits, including how many the city should permit, but it likely won't be complete until after the November election.
Complicating matters is a statewide initiative also on the November ballot to legalize recreational marijuana use. Marijuana remains illegal in federal law, though the Obama administration has said it would not bust operators complying with state laws.
City officials said it's hard to say how much a pot tax could generate.
But while advocates are sure to lobby against a 10 percent tax, that fight may pale in comparison to the one police officers and firefighters are likely to wage to preserve the right to have arbitrators settle pay and benefit disputes with the city. City voters awarded those rights three decades ago.
Reed, a recent civil grand jury, business and citizen groups have criticized binding arbitration, saying it has saddled cities with pay and benefits it cannot afford, forcing drastic cuts in other programs such as parks and libraries.
Voters in Vallejo, which is struggling to emerge from a 2008 bankruptcy driven in part by rising employee costs, narrowly voted in June to repeal arbitration.
San Jose police and firefighters, noting they are barred from striking, say arbitration allows a fair resolution by an outside observer and has been seldom invoked. Firefighters said the city has given them bigger raises than arbitrators have. But Reed says even the specter of arbitration forces city negotiators to offer sweet deals.
The mayor's proposal calls for limiting rather than repealing arbitration. It would prohibit arbitrators from awarding pay or benefits that exceed the rate of city revenue increases. Raises could not exceed what the council has negotiated with other unions. The proposal also would prohibit retroactive increases or operational changes that conflict with decisions by department chiefs.
In addition, the arbitration clause would be suspended entirely if the changes were ruled invalid by a court challenge.
Reed's office said it was a more moderate proposal than the outright repeal many have urged, but officers and firefighters said the effect is the same, and they were outraged the mayor didn't work with them to develop the idea. Reed's office said ongoing contract talks prevented a more collaborative approach.
"They're trying to gut the thing," San Jose Firefighters union President Randy Sekany said. "They may as well say repeal it, because it'll be worthless."
San Jose Pot Tax Proposal Draws Heated Opposition
Updated 8:35 AM PDT, Mon, Jul 26, 2010
San Jose city officials are recommending a ballot measure that would create a tax on pot, drawing opposition from medical marijuana proponents.
The ten percent medical marijuana tax, if approved, would give San Jose the highest medical cannabis tax in the state.
Read the San Jose medical cannabis tax proposal
The proposal is not sitting well with one of the city's most outspoken advocates. Cannabis activist Dave Hodges, who founded the city's first medical marijuana dispensary, says leveraging a ten percent tax on the city's clinics is "just ridiculous."
The proposal means San Jose would become the city with "the highest medical cannabis tax rate in the state and put undue burden on patients," Hodges told the Mercury News.
Oakland became the first city in the country to tax medical marijuana in 2009 when voters approved a 1.2 percent tax for collectives.
Other ballot measure proposals for San Jose voters would limit pay hikes that outside arbitrators can give police and firefighters when contract talks stall; would increase the city's sales tax by a quarter of a cent; and would reduce retirement benefits for new city workers.
The ballot measure proposals will be considered by the city council next month. August 3 is the deadline to get measures on the fall ballot.