Wow so its been a little while here since I have been online. My doggy got really sick, like REALLYsick. I had to take care of him constantly. He was having a hard time eating and drinking without throwing it up, and he started losing weight. He has dropped from 59lbs to 45lbs. Sigh. Then he started breathing weird and we found fluid in his chest. We finally think we may have found out whats going on with him. He has two separate issues going on with him. He has addison's disease (which is a problem with the adrenal glands) and that was causing the G.I. problems. And he has chylothorax which is a vessel that burst and is leaking lymph and fat into his chest... We are hoping to be able to gt him back to normal with meds, but he may need surgery. Unfortunately the surgery must be done by a specialist and is a couple thousand dollars! Sigh.... Yay more credit card debit. I have to try and fix him though. He's only three! There is an 80%success rate of the surgery, I wish the odds were higher but I have to take what I can get. Just about when I think things are looking up he feels sick again. For a while there though we thought he had cancer and I was a wreck! Luckily the specialist didn't think it was very likely and could find no evidence of that on ultrasound. Well I'll keep you posted. Not much else going on. Lots of ppl getting flu like symptoms at my work though....which means lots of shifts need to be covered... I'm getting about sick of working!

How did WNNS do with combating the Westboro creeps?
Found it when someone went on about them on a friends Blog.
Bad enough that a family has to endure such a loss, to have these
'christians' spew hate at them, at a funeral.
Be well.