I think my time has come to an end on this site. I can afford the membership, but this doesn't seem like something I'd like to pay to be a part of anymore. I mean I work very hard for the money I earn and I can think of other things to put it to. I really don't want to cancel because there are a lot of awesome women here and I'm bummed I won't be able to see their sets and support them. If any of you have private websites, tumblrs, facebook, etc. Leave them in the comments and I'll continue to follow your adventures. Special shout out to @sarissle @zelenia @tush @opheliacreep @vulpix_ @dk @brandyx @fresa @marajade I think all are you guys are awesome and wish you luck. I enjoyed following your adventures and thought you were among the coolest of the cool. I left out a lot of the ladies I follow, but good luck to you all. I'll probably cancel my membership sometime this week. So leave some social media accounits where I can find you all!
My tumblr is ladyvespertine.tumblr.com
Hopefully I'll see you over there! :)