- on psypher's photo
- on myzaree's post on moregraffiti's page
- on moregraffiti's blog post
- on missy's blog post
- on jacquidaniels's photo
- on ladylovesuicide's photo
I think my time has come to an end on this site. I can afford the membership, but this doesn't seem like something I'd like to pay to be a part of anymore. I mean I work very hard for the money I earn and I can think of other things to put it to. I really don't want to cancel because there are a...
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Well I suppose the gift I got my mom was a success. It was a Michael Kors purse that cost a lot more than I expected. Someone should have warned me about how much his stuff costs haha. I just got a gift card for the Vans store and some cash. I don't ask for a lot these days. I'll probably buy some sneakers and...
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It was so good! Sci-fi fans should absolutely love it. It really kick starts the imagination. Awe inspiring visuals and a really cool story.
Hello SG! Today I am 30 years old. Hooray! I don't feel it. I don't consider it old, but life is full of things to be happy about despite the struggles.
Here is my 30 year old face.
I'm gonna go out later for some drinks and maybe strippers. I'll probably want pizza later too..or Mexican food.
So I'm watching the third episode and does anyone else think Jada is speaking with an accent since the second episode. I can't really place it up but it seems like there's one there. Or maybe she's just pronouncing her words very precisely.
Also, how good is the actor playing Cobblepot?
Is it just me or do tattoos look cool when they are peeling? I always thought they look gnarly.