Hello SG Land,
If you are having issues with Internet connectivity to the SG site or streaming video to the SG site via a computer, here are a few things you can try that might help your connection. It might be helpful to also report the issue in the New SG - Bugs / Broken thread if the issue ends up being on the streaming servers that SG uses. Make backups of any device settings before making any changes:
1. Unplug your modem and or router from power for about a minute. After your modem and or router is back online then restart your computer. Check if the issue is resolved.
1a. Clear your web browser cache and cookies. Try using another web browser, such as Firefox. Can you browse to different web sites? Try using a different device to connect. If every device on your home network share the same issue, there might be a common point of failure, which is affecting your connectivity..
1b. Contact your Internet company's technical support and have them test your connection from their plant to your modem and or router. If they see an issue, a technician visit might be needed to repair the issue.
1c. Advanced users: Run a trace route to suicidegirls.com and look for packet loss. If there is packet loss between your modem and or router to the next hop in the trace, a technician visit from your Internet company might be required to fix the connection. It's a good idea to run more than one trace route.
2. If available, use Ethernet in the place of WiFi. Ethernet is less prone to interference compared to WiFi.
3. Some modems have built-n WiFi and most routers come with WiFi. If you are using WiFi, distance and walls & having your modem and or router on another floor can affect signal strength. You might try moving the computer closer to the modem and or router and see if you get better Internet connectivity and clearer video without drop-outs.
4. Find out how much bandwidth your Internet connection provides. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can provide that information - ask about download and upload speeds (important!) Your Internet connection uses both downstream (receiving data) and upstream (sending data, i.e., streaming from your computer.) If the upstream bandwidth is too low, video quality will be affected when streaming. A 1080p video would use about eight megabits per second (including overhead) of bandwidth. If other Internet devices are uploading data at the same time you are streaming, they would also use your upstream bandwidth as a home network's bandwidth is shared. While testing your connection, minimize the number of devices using the Internet at that time.
5. Format: For example, a download speed of 500 and an upload speed of 20 are usually displayed as 500/20 megabits per second.
5a. If you are using a cable modem, the downstream and upload speeds are very different. The download speeds are higher than the upload speed. For example, your ISP might offer a 500 megabits per second download and only twenty megabits per second of upload bandwidth. A gigabit connection might only offer 35 megabits of upstream bandwidth. This may change depending on advancements of DOCSIS technology.
5b. A Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is usually similar as a cable modem connection where the upload speeds are slower than the download speeds. DSL speeds are slower than the speeds that a cable modem can provide.
5c. If you use a fiber connection, the speeds are usually symmetrical where the upload and download speeds are the same. For example, a fiber ISP could provide symmetrical speeds of 500/500 megabits per second. Slower and faster symmetrical speeds might be available through your ISP.
6 Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and see if the connectivity/streaming issue resolves.
7. For advanced users: Try change your Domain Name System (DNS) to another server than what your ISP provides. For example, Cloudflare DNS, Google DNS or Quad 9 DNS are options. Before making any changes, ensure you have a backup of the ISP's DNS settings they provide so if something goes wrong, you can put the settings back to their defaults.
@penny @kiley