Top 100 Things I Would Do If I Became An Evil Overlord:
My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.
My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through.
My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of my dungeon.
Shooting is not too good for my enemies....
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My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.
My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through.
My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of my dungeon.
Shooting is not too good for my enemies....
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Well it's 2007....
Let's see if this will be like last year, don't get me wrong it was quite a ride.. but more of a crappy, low budget B-Movie than it was a Thriller. I'm thankful for the few friends I have as well as changing my profession from stressful Mall Security to the great outdoors of Landscaping. Figuratively, I fell flat on my face...
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Let's see if this will be like last year, don't get me wrong it was quite a ride.. but more of a crappy, low budget B-Movie than it was a Thriller. I'm thankful for the few friends I have as well as changing my profession from stressful Mall Security to the great outdoors of Landscaping. Figuratively, I fell flat on my face...
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ULTRA-MEGA POST upcoming today!
**Chirp chirp**
Damned crickets.....
**Chirp chirp**
Damned crickets.....

Yeah so Ladies,
What's the deal with the female gender sometimes?
After work I went to Garfields (a resturaunt/bar) and had a beer and two shots of Jagermeister with my co-worker Joe. Across from the bar an attractive woman asks me if she can borrow my lighter. Granted it's not that chivalrous to let someone use your lighter but a "Thank you" would've been appropriate,...
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What's the deal with the female gender sometimes?
After work I went to Garfields (a resturaunt/bar) and had a beer and two shots of Jagermeister with my co-worker Joe. Across from the bar an attractive woman asks me if she can borrow my lighter. Granted it's not that chivalrous to let someone use your lighter but a "Thank you" would've been appropriate,...
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Happy New Year ......

thank you.....

Sorry that I haven't posted a recent Blog lately.
Over the past several days I've been in the dumps and I wasn't really sure why. Ever believe in having a sixth-sense about something going wrong but you just weren't sure? I get those feelings sometimes and last night I found out why. My mother called me from Phoenix to tell me that my Grandma had...
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Over the past several days I've been in the dumps and I wasn't really sure why. Ever believe in having a sixth-sense about something going wrong but you just weren't sure? I get those feelings sometimes and last night I found out why. My mother called me from Phoenix to tell me that my Grandma had...
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Badass Bands
The question I get often: "Why are you Goth?"
Well first off Goth is not Emo, nor is it Punk/SKA. Goth isn't about wanting to /wrists at a moments notice when the boss tells you to work overtime or when your parents get divorced. Too many kids these days (wait Mord, you're 34 not an old man) see the glamour of Goth as being "My...
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Well first off Goth is not Emo, nor is it Punk/SKA. Goth isn't about wanting to /wrists at a moments notice when the boss tells you to work overtime or when your parents get divorced. Too many kids these days (wait Mord, you're 34 not an old man) see the glamour of Goth as being "My...
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Per your comment: sometimes, indeed, sometimes, but alas, not always. One can try...
i didn't go to the food court, actually. but i'm sure the trees are lovely

No whistling and hollering
from sweaty, scuzzy, red-neck
contruction workers on this
Definition: Ladies feel free to say
Hell-o without running
for your life.
No whistling and hollering
from sweaty, scuzzy, red-neck
contruction workers on this
Definition: Ladies feel free to say
Hell-o without running
for your life.