Ho-lee shee-it, it's been a long time since I posted on here. I've still been lurking this entire time. Lurk, lurk, lurk...
To recap what I've been up to:
Relationships -- on again, off again, on again, way off.... new.... ish
Work -- highs, lows, lateral moves, lots of work, back in the indie/creator-owned biz; plus: ZOMBIES!
Arch-enemies -- nothing yet, but I am taking applications
As I mentioned above, I'm doing more creator-owned work again. Got the first full issue of my new book, ZOMBIE DICKHEADS, coming out in Oct.. It's about hipster zombies that don't eat human flesh trying to get along with regular, shitty zombies and humans who want to kill them. More info on that to follow. Here's a preview: Zombie Tom Selleck!
Actually, it's not really Tom Selleck, just a zombie who looks like Tom Selleck. There's always one in every horde. It's true. Next time you are surrounded by zombies, take a look.
Working on having the full-length one-shot ready in time for ZomBcon, Seattle's zombie convention. It's Oct. 21-23 at the Sea-Tac Airport Hilton. If you're in town, and love the shit out of some zombies, come and say hi!
It feels good to pour all of my energy into creating my own comics again. I'm doing the whole shebang -- writing, art, lettering, etc.. I should probably come up with a name for my creator-owned comics. I've only got about a month to come up with something. No sweat.
To recap what I've been up to:
Relationships -- on again, off again, on again, way off.... new.... ish
Work -- highs, lows, lateral moves, lots of work, back in the indie/creator-owned biz; plus: ZOMBIES!
Arch-enemies -- nothing yet, but I am taking applications
As I mentioned above, I'm doing more creator-owned work again. Got the first full issue of my new book, ZOMBIE DICKHEADS, coming out in Oct.. It's about hipster zombies that don't eat human flesh trying to get along with regular, shitty zombies and humans who want to kill them. More info on that to follow. Here's a preview: Zombie Tom Selleck!

Actually, it's not really Tom Selleck, just a zombie who looks like Tom Selleck. There's always one in every horde. It's true. Next time you are surrounded by zombies, take a look.
Working on having the full-length one-shot ready in time for ZomBcon, Seattle's zombie convention. It's Oct. 21-23 at the Sea-Tac Airport Hilton. If you're in town, and love the shit out of some zombies, come and say hi!
It feels good to pour all of my energy into creating my own comics again. I'm doing the whole shebang -- writing, art, lettering, etc.. I should probably come up with a name for my creator-owned comics. I've only got about a month to come up with something. No sweat.