So this past Saturday night (March 13th) it was a rainy, windy night in NYC and @ around 7:30ish PM my neighbors tree in her front yard fell down onto another smaller tree in her front yard which then fell onto my fence/driveway. Both my car & neighbor's car are trapped, what a fn pain in the ass. I've never seen anything like this happen in NYC but it was pretty windy that night & rained A LOT. My dumbass was standing out in the rain taking this all in and caused me to get a little sick. My throats really sore, it hurts when I swallow :pause:
So, I hope you guys can see these pictures. I don't know why but I always have trouble uploading pics on this website...
Final-fucking-ly! Ok, so this is my driveway and pretty much all the branches on the top of the neighbor's tree fell onto our house.

another can see my car in this 1...

This is the root of the tree. I guess the wind pretty much pushed & pushed the tree until it gave way.

This is the front yard of the neighbor's house. Her front yard is pretty fucked, imo.

You can see from these next picture how the fence is bent....I wonder what would've happened if the tree just fell straight way onto the ground...?

better picture..

a view from my folk's veranda...

Oh yea, later this SAME night @ around 2ish AM I hear a loud sound and thought another tree fell down. Turns out a drink driver (Asian man) hit a parked car in front of my other neighbor's house. Those neighbor's came out cuz their car was parked in front of the SUV that the drunken driver had hit. They said he told them he had an expired license and seemed intoxicated and that he had lived a block away??? What a night. Anyways, not much damage to our house. Just the tree branches have damaged the water drainage pipes on the roof and moved our telephone wires. I would like to drive my car again. The fuck????
Sorry about the tree mess.