I woke up this morning and haven't stop coughing since. I hope I'm not getting sick. I did something I hadn't done in a long time yesterday. Went to the park w/ some friends and shot hoops. I met up a kid I was good friends w/ in HS but lost contact since. Isn't it weird randomly meeting people from HS and seeing how they've turned out? He's working at an airport or something. Last night some friends came over and we watched game 1 of the NBA finals (go magic). We got pizza hut which I don't want to see or eat for awhile. Relatives flew in today from Miami and I have to pick them up and take them places w/ my moms. I'm a chauffeur...instead of driving ms. daisy, I'm driving the Khans, lol. It's been raining all f'n day here, I wish I could stop coughing. Tuesday I got so drunk after work that I passed out. I wished I hadn't because my pops was talkin about when he first came to the states and how things were and how my brother is in debt to him for like 80k. I hate money so much. I'll never understand why it could make some people happy. I'm not 1 of those people. I need to get a car.... and damn this cough to hell.