My cable connection is awesome- it opened up a lot of doors for PORN PORN PORN - I'm going porn crazy woo hoo
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Still haven't talked to STUMPS - so we might just be DONE
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Gonna be masturbating all night I think with all this porn flyin around
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I need more online friends - not pervs - friends - so don't be afraid to IM me - I don't bite - I punch
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Still haven't talked to STUMPS - so we might just be DONE
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Gonna be masturbating all night I think with all this porn flyin around
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I need more online friends - not pervs - friends - so don't be afraid to IM me - I don't bite - I punch
first your set was gorgeous! if i had a bomber i would definetly paint you on! call it "cherry bomb"
im sure you heard this a million -zillion times, but you are one stunning ,built-to-tilt lady! an the poses, well lets just say Varga himself would be jealous! its all about the "insinuated" nudeity ! that makes everything oh so much more erotic! hats off to you.
second= high speed ( not crystal meth),connections rock.*
it makes this site so much more.......un frusterating. but now, this whole thing is crack*. so congratualtions!
three= hey you got me as an O.L.-friend right! so now you only need ,what like 1,837,513,500,000, an you can start your own COBRA empire. i'll start calling you the Baronness.
wow, never drink a redbull, with pasta your energy level is like tripled. who says drugs arent legal?
alright pretty thing with the hotrod eyebrows.
take care an have a lovely