god damn it. i never update this thing and when i sit down to finaly try i cant think of anything to say. my life is pretty automated, so i feel like its usually the same shit over and over. as bad as that may sound, most of the automated stuff is pretty positive, so im not complaining too much.
im pretty bummed that i dont get to talk to a few people as much as i would like to, but i guess thats life. i've lost track of a good friend and i dont know if he is alive or dead. the thought of something happening to a friend and nobody in his immediate family or circle of friends saying a word to you comes with a pretty awful feeling.
i've started working till 5pm lately. all that really means is that im talking to you ass holes more while at my desk. even with access to SG i still think this working till 5 thing is for schmucks.
SXSW is getting closer and closer and i keep hearing that more and more people from this site are going to be there. thats pretty fucking cool. i hope to meet as many SG people there as possible, and i hope against me! plays while im in town
peace and love to all of you.

im pretty bummed that i dont get to talk to a few people as much as i would like to, but i guess thats life. i've lost track of a good friend and i dont know if he is alive or dead. the thought of something happening to a friend and nobody in his immediate family or circle of friends saying a word to you comes with a pretty awful feeling.

i've started working till 5pm lately. all that really means is that im talking to you ass holes more while at my desk. even with access to SG i still think this working till 5 thing is for schmucks.
SXSW is getting closer and closer and i keep hearing that more and more people from this site are going to be there. thats pretty fucking cool. i hope to meet as many SG people there as possible, and i hope against me! plays while im in town
peace and love to all of you.

i`ve just been depressed and drinking a lot lately.
i`ll be ok eventually.