An entire crew of people just dropped out of going on a big trip we've been planning for a good while. So, who wants to go see Brittain and then sail to Norway for the 2011World Beard and Moustache Championships with me?
I will be dressing like a Viking for the competition, just in case that sways anyone who was on the fence.

And check out Rourke's fantastic face in this photo!

Beard Team Ohio baby, (The Gem City Gentlemen are a part of the awesome state wide alliance of beard & moustache clubs that is Beard Team Ohio).
I will be dressing like a Viking for the competition, just in case that sways anyone who was on the fence.

And check out Rourke's fantastic face in this photo!

Beard Team Ohio baby, (The Gem City Gentlemen are a part of the awesome state wide alliance of beard & moustache clubs that is Beard Team Ohio).