I awoke from a dream the night before last, (I know this could be skipped so I'm going to try this)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
and oh how I was in disbelief of what I saw before my eyes. It was one of those dreams where your conscious mind is still partially awake and can take note, very well I might add, of some of the details of your dream. I awoke and to my amazement I was still seeing my dream before my eyes, it was still playing in my head so vividly that as my mind raced back and forth in front of my I was physically seeing my drum set and the left side of my marshal amp, but in my vision I only saw fleeting moments of my dream. It was absolutely amazing... and I'm not sure where it spawned from.
It was the underworld, or maybe not The underworld, but an underworld, an other-world which was as well physically (what still lied in physical terms of this world) Under Ground, or under something... I saw much roman and greek architecture as well as dress, mixed with contemporary dark architecture and dress, all flawlessly integrated....I remember one room, or great hall rather, that as I peered up I could see a bright but soft and blue tinted light come down from a giant eliptical slit in the ceiling, and as I made my way down from looking at the light I saw large chunks of inert, black and almost dust rock, like it was fresh out of a volcanic stream, except it all formed a perfect dome up to the slit in the heavens, as I remember I was actually standing in the middle of a great mall type circut. Many, Many people, all very agitated and yelling about, in near civil strife... we were all in perfectly formed ancient overlapping horseshoe type shape architecture, with lether and cloth awnings over all the surrounding shops, Each overlapping tier was about 8 to ten feet thick, and each tier below about five feet inwards from inside wall to inside wall from the rest. Down at the bottom was a wonderful little marble courtyard where the people were fewer and more calm, but also very sad, and distraught, I saw my brother then, Nathan.....(to be continued)