Home from my 40 hour weekend. If I get to sleep now I'll have 4 hours rest before I take Bodie in to get fixed. At least I'm staying busy.
I'm glad your pup is doing good
The driver seat in my car is broken. I have a friend who is...a big guy, and was giving him a ride yesterday, and he sat behind me and used the back of my seat to help him in and out of the car, and it just didn't hold up. It won't stay in any position, just goes all the way back. Managed to rig...
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oh my gosh!
No not weird and you would be one of the people if I did to a Dear journal that I would name. I actually like the people that comment on my journals..it just puzzles me as to why certain people keep me in their pocket you know?
did you rig it with duct tape?
Having a really bad depressed day today. Not sure why. Need tomorrow to be better.
yah I really don't think I can make it through the weekend not knowing the results but obviously I won't know them....ahhh busy busy work haha
I keep getting depressed myself, spring and summer usually helps most people but yah doesn't matter for me.
R.I.P. Dio.

hahaah, i think no one needs a couch to live in there
This has been a rough morning. I went to sleep at 3am and had fitful sleep until 6:30 when I was woken up by my wife. She has a UTI and was in extreme pain so we went to the ER. Just got home 2 1/2 hours later. Need to run out again soon to pick up her pain medication due to the pharmacy not...
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*wishes her well*
Oh no! I'm sending your lady healing vibes! <3
This weekend I worked 47 hours in a row. Things that happened on my shift:
-Client woke up Saturday morning and had a dislocated toe which required an ER trip.
-Client told his aunt has 2-4 months to live.
-Client deciding it was okay to slap the hell out of his roommate.
-Blood pressure medicine not ordered for one client, so had to make sure...
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That sounds like no bueno. frown

Thanks for the comment, though. smile
Work this weekend. Going in tonight at 11 for overtime. I don't want to go in early, considering I'm there till 10pm Sunday night without a break, but I really need all the hours I can get. At least It's overnight and I get to sleep.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Have a good weekend
Have a good weekend!
i love this band
'sme-xay spell'
I just ended my 39 hour shift at my bar, having a couple beers with friends. The bartender stayed open for it. It's a good end of the day.
I haven't been to a bar in... Jeez forever
I haven't been to a bar in a loooong time
Yesterday was a blast, and absolute blast. Ended up going to the local college to meet up with a friend, ate at a little pizza place, and then went to see what was up around town. While bowling I ran into a friend of mine who is a theater major, and told us he could get us in to a sneak peak for his new...
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