Had a wisdom tooth taken out today. It was broken and the nerve got exposed, causing intense pain. Wasn't a bad extraction, barely any pain, and the bleeding is very minimal. Sadly I'm hungry and afraid to do anything about it for a few hours, and the novacaine is wearing off, leaving me wuth a headache. Today will not be the best day.
Eep! I hope you're feeling better. I have to have a root canal next week frown
I love Maynard James Keenan

That is all.
So I went to work today, got there at 7am. Gave one of my clients a bath at 7:30, and slipped, fell, and threw my back out. Couldn't leave until 3 because someone else called out this morning, and they didn't have anyone who could give out medication besides me. What a way to start a weekend. I'm out of work this weekend, and will...
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frown sorry it sucks when shit like this happens....hope your back gets better soon
Dear world,

It's too early for you to make me be awake today.

Fuck you world.

With love,
<3 i find coffee is good for those days. Thank you your hugs are always appriciated.
This is the first day I can be home for more than 3 hours total in the last four days, and people want to leave the house. Make them go away. I want to spend time relaxing.
Saw The A-Team today. It was amazing. I loved every minute of it. If you like action movies that will make you laugh so hard it hurts, go see it.
do you have to forget about the show a-team..I always have issues with tv shows/movies or remakes by comparing.
I just want to see it because...yah just because.
I haven't posted it yet, I'm not sure I'm 100% done with it.
Does it ruin a steak to be cut into pieces to fit on hamburger buns? I think not! Steak cooking 101 was a success, now I just need to be able to reproduce that so I can start cooking for the wife when she gets home late from work. 26 isn't too old to finally want to learn to cook properly is it? ARRR!!!
Bikini contest tonight where a bunch of friends are competing, and it starts so late I don't know if I can make it or not. Damn having to wake up at 5am to get to work on time.
I need a better paying job. I'm constantly stressed out due to money. I need to find a way to relax.
You and me both man. I hope you find something!
youre preaching to the choir