Tuesday I'm going back to Ohio for my background check, and Wednesday I will have my second interview. I am a ball of nerves right now, knowing that it's right around the corner. I'm feeling confident in my ability to get the job, and managed to get moving expenses covered. The waiting right now is by far the hardest part.
More Blogs
Monday Jan 17, 2011
So things are progressing. We aren't getting back together. No chance… -
Wednesday Nov 24, 2010
Well....I guess I'm getting a divorce. -
Friday Nov 12, 2010
Things are finally looking up. It's about time. -
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Feeling extremely rejected right now. -
Wednesday Sep 01, 2010
So today sucked. My best friend and I haven't talked today. We talk e… -
Tuesday Aug 17, 2010
So my wife and I had a talk this morning. She told me that yesterday … -
Monday Aug 16, 2010
I think I give up. -
Monday Aug 02, 2010
I'm looking to open up a comic shop withing a week. If anyone has any… -
Friday Jul 30, 2010
Well...looks like things blew up just a bit after we left. Moving may… -
Thursday Jul 29, 2010
I just spent the last three days in Ohio. It was amazingly fun. Vis…
Its so close now though.