Fuck PG&E. Fuck these planned outages, one after another, they're putting us through in California. There has to be a better way to prevent wildfires than this.
Here in Humboldt County, the mutually contradictory messages from public agencies must be seen to be believed. Don't let your jaw hit the floor when you read this: https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2019/oct/29/all-pge-customers-humboldt-county-will-lose-power/
[Cuban accent] PG&E, you got some 'splaining to do! [/Cuban accent]"PG&E Says Its Local Plant Can’t Power Humboldt Alone; We Found Documents That Suggest Otherwise" https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2019/nov/6/pge-says-its-local-power-plant-cant-run-isolation/