Just got out of an unplanned (and unwanted) 10 day trip to the local mental hospital... Very glad to be back in the world.
Sorry sorry it took a bit to reply... Basically I was feeling downish, but my mother seemed to think I was about to kill myself because she called the cops to interrupt my morning joint session so I ran through the woods until the briars made it impassable and then realized I was actually a bit crazy to be running through the woods and all so I came out, surrendered, and was certified suicidal by a Dr. in Kent... Then 10 days in Butler... Not a fun time in there so much, as compared to others. When I go there it's usually because I know I need it and send myself there, this time it was forced and it bummed me out...
Ooooh wait... isn't an MRI like a fucking Magnet? Metal in there must not have been comfortable during that procedure!~?