I'm really starting to appreciate cities... Working 12 hour days in the mountains and only seeing one or two people a day is sweet. But I love coming down on the weekends.
whoa! wammo blammo on a horse.
yeah, I've only fallen off a horse 3-4 times this summer... hah.
I miss Colorado
I just got a new camera, and I must say I'm pretty excited about it. Been wanting one for quite awhile now, but haven't had the means or the justification. That is until recently. I'm taking a flow visualization class, and talked my parents into getting me an early birthday present. They pitched in for half the cost and I got myself a Canon Rebel...
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Dude, someone complemented the Tesla coil photo at work the other day. I was like "yeah I'm pretty great friends with the photographer."
Sometimes waking up sucks.

I was starting to learn telekinesis in my dream last night. Not all an all of the sudden I can throw things around, but I had to work at it. I could pick up a glass, but I couldn't balance it. I didn't really have control, so it made it feel all that more real. Needless to say when I woke...
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Cosmologists believe that known forms of matter make up only 4.7% of mass of the universe.

I just like that idea that there is still so much unknown to us. I'm not one of those people that thinks we should go to Mars to see what resources are their to exploit, but simply because it is there. It's the reason to do anything and everything,...
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Why do you support John McCain?

A friend of mine was down in Grand Junction, CO last week and filmed this. The ignorance is astounding and the anger is mind blowing.

Not bad, though hypocrisy in religion has been around for a long time. It's interesting to see just how delusional some of these people are: the awkward hung with the "ex-gay", the woman that is a Christian for "the Jews", its just wild. Maher does take some liberties when it comes down to what comes out of the interviews. There was an interview with...
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