Apparently I'm intimidating. Yyyyep. 140lbs of raw intimidation, right here ladies... And some boys.
Just a regular day at work. Been a little bitter since my hours have been cut and my schedule so inconsistent.
I still work hard, but smiles cost extra.
I notice a guy in the skincare aisle. A little shifty looking, but I figure he's just the type to douse himself in axe when I'm not looking then leave.
I help a customer find some printer paper. I see buddy come into the aisle. This does raise flags because this aisle is where people go to stash things they want to steal.
I glance at his basket, there could be something worth stealing in there. I go around the corner and watch. He sees this and gets into the line for the post office. He stays there... Hrrmmm... There's no mirrors on the ceiling on this aisle, but there's one on the ceiling of the next aisle. It should be enough for me to tell if he gets out of the line up now that I'm not there. Sure enough, he gets down between two stacks of product. I come back in and watch him stuff several boxes of advil into his bag. "Excuse me." I say. He looks up, really shaken. Technically we're not allowed to accuse anyone of taking anything unless we see them put it in their bag and go past the cash registers with it. But I didn't seem to need to say anything else. He thought about leaving. I forget what I said, i might have just moved to cut him off and he's like "Just take it." Dumps out his backpack, filling the basket heaping with advil, reactin, L'oreal products, etc. He gets ready to leave. "Pockets." I say. "That's all of it, really." He says as he fumbles and empties his pants pockets, something falls on the ground. But I meant backpack pockets. He gives me the backpack. I open the pockets, check them. They're fine. I hand it to him and let him go, following him until he leaves.
There was an apple and on orange in his backpack, which was now in our basket, as well as a crack pipe. I later found another crack pipe which is what fell out of his pocket.
We figure there's over a thousand dollars worth of stuff in the basket. I've gotten lots of praise. Not sure if there's going to be anything else coming from the manager or not. At the very least it would be nice if it somehow got me back on solid hours.
More than anything, I just feel really good about myself. This was a much needed boost to the ego.
Maybe the guy was just high and paranoid. I dunno. But the fact that he seemed to do whatever I told him, or didn't even have to tell him, was kind of fun in a sadistic sort of way.
I mean. I'm pretty small and skinny. This guy wasn't tiny and wasn't skinny. Looked pretty muscular if anything.
Dunno, maybe that's what drugs do to you. Make you afraid of mice.
I went down town on the last day of the olympics. It was my last graveyard shift and I needed to stay up the entire day so I could sleep that night and get back to my regular schedule.
So I went right down town for noon. Wandered around, waded through the crowd. Spent most of my time looking for the liquor store. I couldn't remember where it was down town. I wasn't sure if I was going to be drinking and they were closing the stores early to discourage it, so I brought my wineskin and purchased a tetrapack of French Rabbit Chardonnay to fill it.
In my wanderings down some of the more quiet streets, I heard cheering erupt from the city and echo off the apartment buildings when Canada scored. But that was only their second goal.
I was right by the cauldron for the last 60 seconds of the game. I stood on a bench, waiting to get a picture of the crowd cheering as they counted down the final 30 seconds. But the US scored! Gaah! I was too hungry to wait around for this. I walked down Robson and found Robson Sushi which my sister recommended. I wasn't too impressed by the quality of the food. But it was cheap and all you can eat. That's when I heard we won.
I finished eating and joined the precession up Robson towards the square. It started to get pretty thick. Soon. I was just being pushed along with the crowd. Lucky I was by myself. People were doing everything they could to keep from getting separated from their groups. I just enjoyed the ride. Everybody was highfiving everybody. Cops were taking beer from people and dumping them, but still getting highfives.
I wandered about until 6:30. I would have loved to stay down and party some, but I had been up for 22 hours by that point. Went home, crashed, worked the next day. Took a while to get re-adjusted.
Been working on my jewellery when I get the time. Mostly little steam powered sculptures and some hardware for a jacket I'm modifying. The narrow copper and brass pipe I ordered arrived today. Still waiting on the sheets. Don't have any immediate plans. Just want to have it around for more of the kinds of things I've been doing.
Some of the plates I need for my jacket. I want shoulder pauldrons. Mostly I just need to get my sewing machine running. I can't afford to take it in to be fully serviced. I don't know if it needs that since it is running. But I want to oil and lube it.
Luckily, I found a copy of the manual. I can't wait to get working on it. Hopefully the jacket will be done in time for the SG event on the 27th! It would be pretty styling as my wardrobe goes.
I should probably get a pair of jeans or something casual and non combat.
While I was down town for the Olympics, I went into Lush on the advice of a user in the Long Hair group on this site.
She told me they have a beer shampoo! Hooray! Another way to have beer in the morning!
Supposedly it adds weight. Sure enough it does. I wore my hair un-braided the other day for the first time since I started using it. It was awesome.
My little pony ain't got nothing on me.
Birthday coming up... Gonna be a lonely one. Think I'm just gonna get me a case of steamwhistle, make myself a shrimp dinner and rent Boondock Saints 2.
Gonna start hanging out with someone I met online a while back. He shoots at a range from time to time and is going to be getting his restricted license soon. I'll have someone to go with.
Gonna get me a mountain bike soon so I can get the hell out of town whenever I want to. Find some back roads and go camping on some crown land, hopefully. Might wait until I have my shotgun too. Just incase of bears. I wonder where I can get those bear-banger rounds? Maybe rubber bullets.
Pretty sure I've figured it's legal to transport a gun on a bike.
The law just says vehicle and makes special note of 'If the vehicle is a car' so I think I'm good. It would be pretty bad if you HAD to drive to transport a firearm.
Oh yes. And my eldest sister is getting married! I am planning to make the wedding bands.
I need to upgrade some equipment first. But I plan to have that done well before fall.
This whole insecurity in my job thing is giving me a good push towards becoming independent and possibly self employed. I was planning to use this job to get me money for my equipment. Hopefully it will remain secure enough for me to do so. I want to get a lot more practice before I try to get a business loan.
I really don't want to do much of the lost wax casting stuff. It somehow lacks soul to me most of the time.
I want to cast in slate and cuttle bone.
I need to build a repository of designs and have a stock made up. Maybe sell on etsy for a bit. Meh we'll see. Got a ways to go yet. But it's a goal.
Ok here are some pictures of the chaos down town.

Just a regular day at work. Been a little bitter since my hours have been cut and my schedule so inconsistent.
I still work hard, but smiles cost extra.
I notice a guy in the skincare aisle. A little shifty looking, but I figure he's just the type to douse himself in axe when I'm not looking then leave.
I help a customer find some printer paper. I see buddy come into the aisle. This does raise flags because this aisle is where people go to stash things they want to steal.
I glance at his basket, there could be something worth stealing in there. I go around the corner and watch. He sees this and gets into the line for the post office. He stays there... Hrrmmm... There's no mirrors on the ceiling on this aisle, but there's one on the ceiling of the next aisle. It should be enough for me to tell if he gets out of the line up now that I'm not there. Sure enough, he gets down between two stacks of product. I come back in and watch him stuff several boxes of advil into his bag. "Excuse me." I say. He looks up, really shaken. Technically we're not allowed to accuse anyone of taking anything unless we see them put it in their bag and go past the cash registers with it. But I didn't seem to need to say anything else. He thought about leaving. I forget what I said, i might have just moved to cut him off and he's like "Just take it." Dumps out his backpack, filling the basket heaping with advil, reactin, L'oreal products, etc. He gets ready to leave. "Pockets." I say. "That's all of it, really." He says as he fumbles and empties his pants pockets, something falls on the ground. But I meant backpack pockets. He gives me the backpack. I open the pockets, check them. They're fine. I hand it to him and let him go, following him until he leaves.
There was an apple and on orange in his backpack, which was now in our basket, as well as a crack pipe. I later found another crack pipe which is what fell out of his pocket.
We figure there's over a thousand dollars worth of stuff in the basket. I've gotten lots of praise. Not sure if there's going to be anything else coming from the manager or not. At the very least it would be nice if it somehow got me back on solid hours.
More than anything, I just feel really good about myself. This was a much needed boost to the ego.
Maybe the guy was just high and paranoid. I dunno. But the fact that he seemed to do whatever I told him, or didn't even have to tell him, was kind of fun in a sadistic sort of way.
I mean. I'm pretty small and skinny. This guy wasn't tiny and wasn't skinny. Looked pretty muscular if anything.
Dunno, maybe that's what drugs do to you. Make you afraid of mice.
I went down town on the last day of the olympics. It was my last graveyard shift and I needed to stay up the entire day so I could sleep that night and get back to my regular schedule.
So I went right down town for noon. Wandered around, waded through the crowd. Spent most of my time looking for the liquor store. I couldn't remember where it was down town. I wasn't sure if I was going to be drinking and they were closing the stores early to discourage it, so I brought my wineskin and purchased a tetrapack of French Rabbit Chardonnay to fill it.
In my wanderings down some of the more quiet streets, I heard cheering erupt from the city and echo off the apartment buildings when Canada scored. But that was only their second goal.
I was right by the cauldron for the last 60 seconds of the game. I stood on a bench, waiting to get a picture of the crowd cheering as they counted down the final 30 seconds. But the US scored! Gaah! I was too hungry to wait around for this. I walked down Robson and found Robson Sushi which my sister recommended. I wasn't too impressed by the quality of the food. But it was cheap and all you can eat. That's when I heard we won.
I finished eating and joined the precession up Robson towards the square. It started to get pretty thick. Soon. I was just being pushed along with the crowd. Lucky I was by myself. People were doing everything they could to keep from getting separated from their groups. I just enjoyed the ride. Everybody was highfiving everybody. Cops were taking beer from people and dumping them, but still getting highfives.
I wandered about until 6:30. I would have loved to stay down and party some, but I had been up for 22 hours by that point. Went home, crashed, worked the next day. Took a while to get re-adjusted.
Been working on my jewellery when I get the time. Mostly little steam powered sculptures and some hardware for a jacket I'm modifying. The narrow copper and brass pipe I ordered arrived today. Still waiting on the sheets. Don't have any immediate plans. Just want to have it around for more of the kinds of things I've been doing.
Some of the plates I need for my jacket. I want shoulder pauldrons. Mostly I just need to get my sewing machine running. I can't afford to take it in to be fully serviced. I don't know if it needs that since it is running. But I want to oil and lube it.
Luckily, I found a copy of the manual. I can't wait to get working on it. Hopefully the jacket will be done in time for the SG event on the 27th! It would be pretty styling as my wardrobe goes.
I should probably get a pair of jeans or something casual and non combat.
While I was down town for the Olympics, I went into Lush on the advice of a user in the Long Hair group on this site.
She told me they have a beer shampoo! Hooray! Another way to have beer in the morning!
Supposedly it adds weight. Sure enough it does. I wore my hair un-braided the other day for the first time since I started using it. It was awesome.
My little pony ain't got nothing on me.
Birthday coming up... Gonna be a lonely one. Think I'm just gonna get me a case of steamwhistle, make myself a shrimp dinner and rent Boondock Saints 2.
Gonna start hanging out with someone I met online a while back. He shoots at a range from time to time and is going to be getting his restricted license soon. I'll have someone to go with.
Gonna get me a mountain bike soon so I can get the hell out of town whenever I want to. Find some back roads and go camping on some crown land, hopefully. Might wait until I have my shotgun too. Just incase of bears. I wonder where I can get those bear-banger rounds? Maybe rubber bullets.
Pretty sure I've figured it's legal to transport a gun on a bike.
The law just says vehicle and makes special note of 'If the vehicle is a car' so I think I'm good. It would be pretty bad if you HAD to drive to transport a firearm.
Oh yes. And my eldest sister is getting married! I am planning to make the wedding bands.
I need to upgrade some equipment first. But I plan to have that done well before fall.
This whole insecurity in my job thing is giving me a good push towards becoming independent and possibly self employed. I was planning to use this job to get me money for my equipment. Hopefully it will remain secure enough for me to do so. I want to get a lot more practice before I try to get a business loan.
I really don't want to do much of the lost wax casting stuff. It somehow lacks soul to me most of the time.
I want to cast in slate and cuttle bone.
I need to build a repository of designs and have a stock made up. Maybe sell on etsy for a bit. Meh we'll see. Got a ways to go yet. But it's a goal.
Ok here are some pictures of the chaos down town.

Skullhammer is awesome!
Yeah I'm totally into adopting.